This page will provide alphabetised links to specific items and areas of interest. As it will become very long, use a simple word search to find the topic you are interested in.
ABE, SHINZO (assassination (1), (2), killed by Covid lockdown)
ABORTION (de-Federalised / issue over-emotionalised, Hungary's pro-life law)
Affirmative action (Whites underrepresented in UK cabinet)
A.I. (efforts to keep it woke)
ALT-RIGHT, The (misunderstands race, Pilleater on)
Anti-Nazi Industrial Complex (Kanye West's sympathy for Hitler / failure of (1), (2))
Anti-vax (how Japan became anti-vax)
Apolloism (beliefs)
Assimilation (failure in France)
Asymmetrical warfare (Iran vs Israel)
Bandera, Stepan (as hero)
Belarus (geopolitical pawn)
Berlusconi, Silvio (made nationalism viable)
Biden, Joe (deal to repatriate Haitians)
Boomerism (benefits jalously)
British Democrats (2022 Conference)
Breeder Selection theory (some statistical support)
Britt, Katie (SOTU reply)
Bug eating (introduced to children)
Byung-Chul Han philosopher (basic concepts)
Capital Punishment (morality of)
CARLSON, TUCKER (interview with Putin / pathetic Russophile / platforming Nazis)
Bandera, Stepan (as hero)
Belarus (geopolitical pawn)
Berlusconi, Silvio (made nationalism viable)
Biden, Joe (deal to repatriate Haitians)
Boomerism (benefits jalously)
British Democrats (2022 Conference)
Breeder Selection theory (some statistical support)
Britt, Katie (SOTU reply)
Bug eating (introduced to children)
Byung-Chul Han philosopher (basic concepts)
Capital Punishment (morality of)
CARLSON, TUCKER (interview with Putin / pathetic Russophile / platforming Nazis)
Caspian Report (content)
Catholic Church (threat to children)
Censorship (anti-vax)
China (technological limits)
CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM (as American nationalism, weakened by need for faith)
Chud meme (origin)
CONSERVATIVE PARTY (implosion of / Putin's successful attack on / possible successor party / gay Tories / 2022 leadership election (1), (2) / massive drop in popularity)
CONSPIRACY THEORIES (appeal to losers / increasing incoherence of)
Catholic Church (threat to children)
Censorship (anti-vax)
China (technological limits)
CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM (as American nationalism, weakened by need for faith)
Chud meme (origin)
CONSERVATIVE PARTY (implosion of / Putin's successful attack on / possible successor party / gay Tories / 2022 leadership election (1), (2) / massive drop in popularity)
CONSPIRACY THEORIES (appeal to losers / increasing incoherence of)
Counter-Currents (data leak (1), (2))
Cyberpunk (reinforces tech elitism)
Dark energy (Dark Brandon meme)
Degeneracy (number of degenerates)
Demography (pattern of collapse)
Depeche Mode (death of Andrew Fletcher)
Desantis. Ron (humiliated)
Diseases (Monkeypox)
DISSIDENT RIGHT (wank crying cult / attraction to extraenity / shilling for Russia / hatred of Ukraine / RUSSIAN CONTROL OVER (1), (2), (3), (4))
DISSIDENT RIGHTERS (ACADEMIC AGENT (1), (2) / Banned Hipster / Charles Bausman / Peter Brimelow / Counter-Currents / Ryan Dawson / David Duke / Erkenbrand / E. Michael Jones / Jason Jorjani / Nix Jeelvy / Andrew Joyce / Anatoly Karlin / JASON KESSLER (1), (2), (3) / Jazzhands McFeels / Bryce Laliberte / Gonzalo Lira / Laura Loomer / Douglas Mackey / Millennial Woes / Stefan Molyneux / Morgoth / Josh Neal / ANDY NOWICKI (1), (2), (3) / Brittany Pettibone / Southern Dingo / LAUREN SOUTHERN (1) (2), (3) / Martin Sellner / Stone Toss / Thomas 777 / PAUL JOSPEH WATSON (1), (2) / Z-Man)
Cyberpunk (reinforces tech elitism)
Dark energy (Dark Brandon meme)
Degeneracy (number of degenerates)
Demography (pattern of collapse)
Depeche Mode (death of Andrew Fletcher)
Desantis. Ron (humiliated)
Diseases (Monkeypox)
DISSIDENT RIGHT (wank crying cult / attraction to extraenity / shilling for Russia / hatred of Ukraine / RUSSIAN CONTROL OVER (1), (2), (3), (4))
DISSIDENT RIGHTERS (ACADEMIC AGENT (1), (2) / Banned Hipster / Charles Bausman / Peter Brimelow / Counter-Currents / Ryan Dawson / David Duke / Erkenbrand / E. Michael Jones / Jason Jorjani / Nix Jeelvy / Andrew Joyce / Anatoly Karlin / JASON KESSLER (1), (2), (3) / Jazzhands McFeels / Bryce Laliberte / Gonzalo Lira / Laura Loomer / Douglas Mackey / Millennial Woes / Stefan Molyneux / Morgoth / Josh Neal / ANDY NOWICKI (1), (2), (3) / Brittany Pettibone / Southern Dingo / LAUREN SOUTHERN (1) (2), (3) / Martin Sellner / Stone Toss / Thomas 777 / PAUL JOSPEH WATSON (1), (2) / Z-Man)
DUGIN, ALEXANDER (influence on Putinism / Death of daughter)
Duns Scotus (content)
Ecofascism (hypocrisy of)
Economics (war as a stimulus)
Election fraud (allegations watered down)
Elites (Keith Preston on)
Energy (solar power)
EVOLUTION (Out of Africa / Re-Evolution)
FARAGE, NIGEL (red flags / courting censorship, banned from banking)
Feds (at Twitter)
Feminisation (GRAMMYs)
FERTILITY DECLINE (Causes and possible solutions / worse than Ukrainian war / connected to freedom / Korea)
Ford, Luke (content)
Fox News (Tucker Carlson)
France (2023 riots)
Freemasonry (Trotsky's critique)
FUENTES, NICK (naïve Nazism, of / on gun ownership)
Fukuzawa, Yukichi (Japanese Westernisation)
Gabbard, Tulsi (possible Russian asset)
Gazan War (starvation as a weapon)
GB NEWS (attempts at polarisation / unusual finances)
Germany (aid to Ukraine)
GLOBALISM (fakeness of anti-Globalism / Anglo-American creation / modifying globalism to limit Chinese power)
Global Warming (counter evidence)
Great Divergence, The (Nils-Petter Lagerlöf on)
Grifting (promotes impotence)
Groypers (at war with BAP)
Health Fascism (vax criticism sensored)
Health frauds (Liver King)
Historical lag (Mongol influence on Russia)
Hitler, Adolf (actual beliefs)
Hollywood (fan baiting / Oppenheimer overrated)
Holocaust (wooden doors)
Identitarianism (moral issues)
Immigration (dishonesty of Americans / natural levels in a low fertility state)
INCELS (Chicago shooting / Abe assassination)
Inclusivity (some justification for)
Israel (out of sync with morality / Project Butterfly)
Italy (2022 election)
James, Stephen J. (content)
Japan (lowest ever fertility / military build-up)
JEWS (Jewish links to slavery overblown / Khazar theory debunked / CONTROL OF MEDIA TROPE (1), (2))
JOHNSON, BORIS (became a political target / cowardice of)
JQ (Nathan Cofnas on)
KALERGI (based (1), (2), theories on race)
Kaliningrad (possible flashpoint)
Korea (low fertility)
KREMLIN OPS (disinfo bots in Germany / bribing influencers in US / recruiting Black Nationalists / using Crypto to fund ops)
LABOUR PARTY (Party conference 2022, anti-Semitism charges used to control, demographics)
Left-wing activism (efficiency of)
Lenin (on the Kulaks)
Liberty (critique of)
Liddell, Colin (content)
Marxism (critique of)
Mass Immigration (not a conspiracy, 2022 UK stats / Italy resisting NGOs)
Mathews, Lipton (content)
Mearsheimer, John (why he is wrong)
Meloni, Giorgia (views)
Memes (wifejak / cheapening debate)
Monogamy (effects on society)
Multipolarity (support for mass immigration / challenge to Anglo-American Gloablism)
MUSK, ELON (SUPPORT FOR MASS IMMIGRATION (1), (2) / cost cutting at Twitter / political naivety / SUPPORT FOR "CHIRUS" (1), (2), (3) / Tenga Can)
Nationalism (Liah Greenfeld's theory)
Nationalism, British (unpopularity of)
Nationalism, Scottish (history of)
Nationalism, White (as transgressive culture)
National Rally (2022 National Assembly Elections)
NATO (expansion driven by Russian aggression)
Nazism (avatar for Ukrainian resistance)
Navalny, Alexei (death of)
NJP (Greg Conte expelled)
Orban, Viktor (possible Russian shill)
Duns Scotus (content)
Ecofascism (hypocrisy of)
Economics (war as a stimulus)
Election fraud (allegations watered down)
Elites (Keith Preston on)
Energy (solar power)
EVOLUTION (Out of Africa / Re-Evolution)
FARAGE, NIGEL (red flags / courting censorship, banned from banking)
Feds (at Twitter)
Feminisation (GRAMMYs)
FERTILITY DECLINE (Causes and possible solutions / worse than Ukrainian war / connected to freedom / Korea)
Ford, Luke (content)
Fox News (Tucker Carlson)
France (2023 riots)
Freemasonry (Trotsky's critique)
FUENTES, NICK (naïve Nazism, of / on gun ownership)
Fukuzawa, Yukichi (Japanese Westernisation)
Gabbard, Tulsi (possible Russian asset)
Gazan War (starvation as a weapon)
GB NEWS (attempts at polarisation / unusual finances)
Germany (aid to Ukraine)
GLOBALISM (fakeness of anti-Globalism / Anglo-American creation / modifying globalism to limit Chinese power)
Global Warming (counter evidence)
Great Divergence, The (Nils-Petter Lagerlöf on)
Grifting (promotes impotence)
Groypers (at war with BAP)
Health Fascism (vax criticism sensored)
Health frauds (Liver King)
Historical lag (Mongol influence on Russia)
Hitler, Adolf (actual beliefs)
Hollywood (fan baiting / Oppenheimer overrated)
Holocaust (wooden doors)
Identitarianism (moral issues)
Immigration (dishonesty of Americans / natural levels in a low fertility state)
INCELS (Chicago shooting / Abe assassination)
Inclusivity (some justification for)
Israel (out of sync with morality / Project Butterfly)
Italy (2022 election)
James, Stephen J. (content)
Japan (lowest ever fertility / military build-up)
JEWS (Jewish links to slavery overblown / Khazar theory debunked / CONTROL OF MEDIA TROPE (1), (2))
JOHNSON, BORIS (became a political target / cowardice of)
JQ (Nathan Cofnas on)
KALERGI (based (1), (2), theories on race)
Kaliningrad (possible flashpoint)
Korea (low fertility)
KREMLIN OPS (disinfo bots in Germany / bribing influencers in US / recruiting Black Nationalists / using Crypto to fund ops)
LABOUR PARTY (Party conference 2022, anti-Semitism charges used to control, demographics)
Left-wing activism (efficiency of)
Lenin (on the Kulaks)
Liberty (critique of)
Liddell, Colin (content)
Marxism (critique of)
Mass Immigration (not a conspiracy, 2022 UK stats / Italy resisting NGOs)
Mathews, Lipton (content)
Mearsheimer, John (why he is wrong)
Meloni, Giorgia (views)
Memes (wifejak / cheapening debate)
Monogamy (effects on society)
Multipolarity (support for mass immigration / challenge to Anglo-American Gloablism)
MUSK, ELON (SUPPORT FOR MASS IMMIGRATION (1), (2) / cost cutting at Twitter / political naivety / SUPPORT FOR "CHIRUS" (1), (2), (3) / Tenga Can)
Nationalism (Liah Greenfeld's theory)
Nationalism, British (unpopularity of)
Nationalism, Scottish (history of)
Nationalism, White (as transgressive culture)
National Rally (2022 National Assembly Elections)
NATO (expansion driven by Russian aggression)
Nazism (avatar for Ukrainian resistance)
Navalny, Alexei (death of)
NJP (Greg Conte expelled)
Orban, Viktor (possible Russian shill)
PATRIOTIC ALTERNATIVE (Melia jailed / stochastic terrorism)
Pilleater (content)
Planet of the Apes (metaphor for the 1960s)
Political spectrum (horseshoe theory / mushy middle)
Post-Christianity (Scotland secular)
POST-DEMOCRACY (corpse elected / UK democracy managed / popular leaders removed / US donor info)
PUTIN, VLADIMIR (doomsday weapons, ideological weakness)
Refeminisation (East German example)
Remigration (UK)
Republican Party (Putin's successful attack on)
Pilleater (content)
Planet of the Apes (metaphor for the 1960s)
Political spectrum (horseshoe theory / mushy middle)
Post-Christianity (Scotland secular)
POST-DEMOCRACY (corpse elected / UK democracy managed / popular leaders removed / US donor info)
PUTIN, VLADIMIR (doomsday weapons, ideological weakness)
Refeminisation (East German example)
Remigration (UK)
Republican Party (Putin's successful attack on)
Right-wing, the (false optimism of)
Robinson, Tommy (why he is wrong)
ROYAL FAMILY, The (KING CHARLES III (1), (2)/ QUEEN ELIZABETH II (1), (2) / Prince Harry)
Russia (possible fragmentation / bankruptcy)
Russia Sanctions (high tech)
Russian Civil War (Royal Navy attack Kronstadt)
Russian Ops (origins in the West)
RUSSIA SHILLS (memes / Ryan Dawson / Ricardo Duchesne / Subscribestar / TRS)
Schwab, Klaus (anti-globalism)
Semitic Panptheory (Colin Liddell on)
Sex (Post-Sex)
Shapiro, Ben (challenges Disney)
SJJMas (Colin Liddell on)
Social media platforms (Threads)
Sontag, Susan (critique of Whiteness)
Soros, George (used by Nazis)
Southern Strategy, The (created by the Democrats)
SPENCER, RICHARD (broken and contradictory / evidence of Fed connections / on dating ap / speaking skills )
Robinson, Tommy (why he is wrong)
ROYAL FAMILY, The (KING CHARLES III (1), (2)/ QUEEN ELIZABETH II (1), (2) / Prince Harry)
Russia (possible fragmentation / bankruptcy)
Russia Sanctions (high tech)
Russian Civil War (Royal Navy attack Kronstadt)
Russian Ops (origins in the West)
RUSSIA SHILLS (memes / Ryan Dawson / Ricardo Duchesne / Subscribestar / TRS)
Schwab, Klaus (anti-globalism)
Semitic Panptheory (Colin Liddell on)
Sex (Post-Sex)
Shapiro, Ben (challenges Disney)
SJJMas (Colin Liddell on)
Social media platforms (Threads)
Sontag, Susan (critique of Whiteness)
Soros, George (used by Nazis)
Southern Strategy, The (created by the Democrats)
SPENCER, RICHARD (broken and contradictory / evidence of Fed connections / on dating ap / speaking skills )
Sunak, Rishi (appointed leader by cabal)
Syria (Turkish influence / Fall of Assad / US bases in)
Tate, Andrew (satire on)
TAYLOR, JARED (right hand man dies / links gender dysmorphia to anti-White racism)
tech elitism (subversion of counter culture)
Syria (Turkish influence / Fall of Assad / US bases in)
Tate, Andrew (satire on)
TAYLOR, JARED (right hand man dies / links gender dysmorphia to anti-White racism)
tech elitism (subversion of counter culture)
Tradwifism (fakeness of)
TRS (Jazzhands McFeels doxxed / Johnny Monoxide exposes)
TRUMP, DONALD (U-turn on crypto / supporting China / losing the mushy middle / responsible for inflation / shit magnet)
Truss, Liz (giving away UK territory)
UKRAINIAN WAR (Russian casualties / Putin raises taxes, Russia's declining finances / various narratives / Chinese influence / Kerch Bridge destroyed / Snake island recaptured / Kazahkstani ambivalence / UK training / not a proxy war, PARTIAL MOBILISATION (1), (2), (3), (4)/ degradation of Russian armaments industry)
Watts, Alan (critique)
Westernisation (limits)
WOKEISM (in sport / an expression of Whiteness)
WWI (Reparations)
WWII (unconditional surrender)
Xi Jinping (limitations of)
Zeihan, Peter (why he is wrong)
TRS (Jazzhands McFeels doxxed / Johnny Monoxide exposes)
TRUMP, DONALD (U-turn on crypto / supporting China / losing the mushy middle / responsible for inflation / shit magnet)
Truss, Liz (giving away UK territory)
UKRAINIAN WAR (Russian casualties / Putin raises taxes, Russia's declining finances / various narratives / Chinese influence / Kerch Bridge destroyed / Snake island recaptured / Kazahkstani ambivalence / UK training / not a proxy war, PARTIAL MOBILISATION (1), (2), (3), (4)/ degradation of Russian armaments industry)
Watts, Alan (critique)
Westernisation (limits)
WOKEISM (in sport / an expression of Whiteness)
WWI (Reparations)
WWII (unconditional surrender)
Xi Jinping (limitations of)
Zeihan, Peter (why he is wrong)
Zionism (Project Butterfly, attempt to buy the Telegraph)
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