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Friday, September 30, 2022


Jewish members of the Labour Party are five times more likely to face charges of hating Jews than non-Jewish members, according to a Jewish group within the Party.

This astounding revelation comes from a submission made by the Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL), a group representing hundreds of Jews within the Party, to the UK government's Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). According to this, there is actually witch-hunt of anti-Semites in the Labour Party which is ironically targeting Semites!

As reported by
Middle East Eye:

A new report says that Keir Starmer’s Labour “is purging Jews from the party” - with Jews almost five times more likely to face antisemitism charges than non-Jewish members.

It states that British Jews are experiencing "discrimination, victimisation and harassment" inside the UK's Labour Party. 

Apparently, being Jewish in the Labour Party and being accused of hating your own ethnicity is pretty common:

Jenny Manson, co-chair of Jewish Voice for Labour, who is herself under investigation by the Labour Party, told MEE: “For the first time in my life as a Jew living in the UK I feel persecuted, hated and shunned by the apparatus of the Labour Party and the loud voices of some sections of the Jewish community. The weapon used too often is to call us JVL activists antisemitic. Bizarre and wicked.”

“Those who should defend us - the courts, the media, politicians - turn from us as if we are dangerous and distasteful,” she added.

Jewish Voice for Labour claims to represent some 350 Jewish Labour members, along with some 800 non-Jewish "solidarity" members and a small number of Jewish "supporters".

So, what is really going on here?

One possible explanation might be that Left-wing Jews, like other left-wing Whites, have strong ethno-masochism, motivated by their need to appear on the side of the underdog. But, whereas White self hatred in not problematic on the Left, Jewish self hatred is.

But this does not explain the timing of the upsurge of Jews  being accused of "anti-Semitism" in the Party, This stems from the 
power struggle within the party since 2017 to remove previous leader Jeremy Corbyn and replace him with present leader Sir Keir Starmer.

A new documentary just aired by Al Jazeera, included the allegations by JVL. It also put forward the theory that false accusations of anti-Semitism were "weaponised" against the "pro-Palestinian" Corbyn and his supporters, many of whom are Jews critical of Israel. This was done in order to push Corbyn out of the leadership and replace him with the "pro-Israeli" Starmer.

However, rather than just serving Israeli interests, it is much more likely that Corbyn's removal was engineered by the British Deep State, who regard the lifetime opponent of Britain's nuclear deterrent as an unsuitable person to become Prime Minister.

With many Jews in the Labour Party taking a very critical stance on Israel, such a strategy would naturally result in a high numbers of Jews also being accused of "anti-Semitsm." 

Make up your own mind by watching the four-part Al Jazeera documentary:

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