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Sunday, September 4, 2022


"Quasi-White" James Owens

Fake nationalist group Patriotic Alternative (PA), which espouses Neo-Naziism in order to toxify nationalism, has suffered a double blow after the doxxing of one of its leading livestreamers and the arrest and forthcoming deportation of a prominent activist. 

The streamer known as "The Ayatollah" was outed as James Owens, following an operation by The Times newspaper assisted by Redflare, a shadowy antifa group.

Owens was tracked down after several blunders on his part. His appearance became known when he identified himself as the Ayatollah to an infiltrator at a neo-Nazi event. He also described on YouTube how he wore a Hawaiian shirt at a far-right gathering, which was being filmed by anti-fascist campaigners.

Red Flare was tipped off that the Ayatollah was Owens, a former budding sports journalist who used to do football podcasts in his own voice. The Times used digital recognition technology to show Owens’s real voice matched the Ayatollah. Owens has used YouTube to achieve a global fan base, notching up 414,000 views in more than a year of shows on his channel “Tollahvision — The Ayatollah”.

Owens, who ironically appears to be of swarthy Welsh ancestry and had a mixed race girlfriend, pushes the usual Neo-Nazi talking points favoured by PA: 

He suggests Jews deserve persecution, referring elliptically to “a group of people who tell you what happened to them but don’t tell you why”.

He denounced President Zelensky of Ukraine, who is Jewish, saying: “Zelensky is doing it for his people. We know who his people are. They ain’t Slavs.”

Owens also blames Jews for “grooming gangs”, the mainly Muslim Pakistani men who sexually exploited white girls in northern towns, because, he claims, Jews imposed mass immigration on Britain.

He attributes the transgender movement to Magnus Hirshfeld, a Jewish doctor specialising in sexual minorities whose books were burnt by the Nazis in 1933.

In a second blow for PA another prominent activist, Kris Kearns (Irish name), better known as “Charlie Big Potatoes,” has been arrested on terrorism charges in Spain and faces extradition to the UK.

As reported by The Times:

He is accused of posting content predominantly aimed at fomenting hostility and encouraging direct violent action against non-white people, as part of an ideology of white supremacy.

On at least two occasions, on January 23, 2021, and March 8, 2021, he was accused of posting links to various documents that encouraged readers to carry out terrorist acts.

It is claimed he posted messages encouraging his followers to read the manifestos of four far-right terrorists who directly encouraged homicidal attacks in the name of white supremacy. Practical tips were allegedly given for committing terrorist acts.

These included the manifestos of Brenton Tarrant, who in March 2019 killed 51 people in a terrorist attack on mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in Oslo and on Utoya, an island in Norway, in July 2011.

Kearns could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted. 

Charlie Big Potatoes: no more fun in the sun?

UPDATE: Kearns was sentenced to 4 years and 8 months on "terrorism" charges, to be served in a Spanish jail (for family reasons) in June 2023.

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