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Tuesday, September 27, 2022


Not again!

France always seems to be getting it in the rear. In May 1940 it was the German Army who sneaked in through the Ardennes and buggered the whole country while its army was facing the wrong way at the Maginot Line.

However, since WWII it has been the Catholic Church that has been literally taking the French nation up the jacksie, with an army of pedo priests sexually abusing hundreds of thousands of innocent French kids, according to a new independent report released on Tuesday.

The report, based on work by France’s National Institute of Health and Medical Research into the sexual abuse of children, puts the number of victims of Catholic pedoeing at 330,000 over the past 70 years. That's around 13 kids being nonced every single day (maybe more on Sundays)!!!  

As reported by APNews:

"Victims of abuse within France’s Catholic Church welcomed a historic turning point Tuesday after a new report estimated that 330,000 children in France were sexually abused over the past 70 years, providing the country’s first accounting of the worldwide phenomenon.
The figure includes abuses committed by some 3,000 priests and an unknown number of other people involved in the church — wrongdoing that Catholic authorities covered up over decades in a “systemic manner,” according to the president of the commission that issued the report, Jean-Marc Sauvé."

Disgusting, vile, sick, depraved!

Yes, the so-called Catholic Church is now on a par with the Muslim grooming gangs in the UK, or, in fact, is even worse, because the Church has been at it longer -- around 2000 years -- and managed to win people's trust with Church music, stained glass, rosary beads, fake miracles, and quietly forgiving priests with wan smiles and soft hands. 

Typical Catholic who decries pedoeing while unwittingly
 supporting it on an industrial scale through his church.

The real problem is that Christianity itself is just a made-up bullshit religion that allows middle aged men to wear dresses and have unfiltered access to children -- a bit like Comet Ping Pong but with less pizza cheese.  

A few years ago, a book by French journalist Frederick Martel revealed an astounding 80% of Catholic Priests were gayMartel’s claims were based on four years interviewing over 1,500 people, including 200 priests, 41 cardinals and 52 bishops, and spending a lot of time at the Vatican. He is a gay himself, so he is a source we can trust. 

But unlike normal gays who can have relatively "free and healthy" sexual relations with other gay men, Catholic gays live weird incel lives, punctuated by frequent lapses, often with young defenceless "victims of opportunity" being selected to slake their vile, pent-up lusts on.

But don't say you haven't been warned. This sort of thing has been hidden in plain sight for years. Just look at all this filthy Catholic pedo smut. It's everywhere and goes back centuries!

Let's face hard facts: French Christians would literally be better off sending their kids to a drag queen story hour than to anything run by the Catholic Church. Their kids would be a lot safer, because there the homosexuality and transgenderism is out in the open and ironic, not slinking around in the shadows pensively waiting to pounce on defenceless innocents.

1 comment:

  1. This study didn't actually find 330,000 cases of children being abused, it "extrapolated" out the numbers based on a sample. Similarly, the PA grand jury report from a few years ago classified any virtually allegation as credible. Let's say you die in 2050, Colin. In 2080, someone alleges you molested them as a child in 2010 while you were their tutor or something like that. You are dead and can't defend yourself, there's no documentary evidence or earlier testimony backing up the claim, but there's no clear alibi clearing your name either. In 2090, this goes into a report on child molestation among right-wing bloggers as a credible accusation. Its almost like anti-clerical Leftists in the US and France hate the Catholic Church and want to make a real problem seem even worse than it actually was for political reasons. I wonder why we have fewer campaigns against public schools and gay men who adopt young male children.

    As for that French book, gays regularly overestimate the numbers of gays in the general population. They want to believe that a large minority of men are gay and a majority are at least kind of bi, when in realty gays are maybe 1-2%. Clearly they are overrepresented among Catholic priests but 80% is a ridiculously high estimate. That book instituted that Cardinal Raymond Burke was gay because his room was kept clean and had nice hand towels in his bathroom. And even if 80% was the gay rate at one point, I doubt this would continue. Nowadays gay man with the ability to get a graduate degree can get gay affirmative action and make a good living. $250,000 a year at Goldman v $30,000 a year as a diocesan priest in a decaying rectory. I suspect seminaries will see less gays and more straight incels going forward.

    I would suggest Bill Donahue's recent book on the issue as a rebuttal. The Catholic sex abuse problem is roughly equivalent to similar problems in other workplaces were adults interact with children regularly (other religions, schools, boy scouts, etc.) except it might have been slightly worse between the late 50s to early 80s, and slightly better the past 20 years. Obviously, parents should be very careful with leaving their kids around adults they can't 100% vouch for, and that includes Catholic priests.


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