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Friday, September 2, 2022


Audio-visual versions: YouTube, BitChute, Odysee

By now you've probably heard of the "Dark Brandon" meme, and you may have even seen the image above, which comes from a big speech that Biden gave recently.

To be honest, it seems like a still from one of the Omen movies, and there is definitely something of a creepy Satanic vibe about it. This is certainly how it is being taken by a lot of Tweeters and commentators who need something a little edgy to say every five minutes. 

But why would the Dems be doing this?

Why not instead shoot Biden's speech against a wholesome backdrop of kids, puppies, and American flags?

Why the Satanic note?

Those who hate Biden, i.e. those in the Trump/ MAGA/ QAnon camps, will, in fact, see this as it is designed to be seen by them, namely as quasi-Satanic.

These people already think Biden is, if not Satanic himself, at least under the power and control of Satanists, or under the control of Satan himself. Giving them imagery like this is simply throwing them a little red meat to feed their -- let's be frank -- delusions.

Normies, however, if they even see this, will see almost nothing. Some of them might think it looks a bit cool, or else wonder why the lighting guy fucked up. But it'll just be "meh."

The real point of this aesthetic is to reach the Biden haters and get them frothing at the mouth about Biden being the Anti-Christ or something equally Christo-retarded like that.

The Dems are clearly trying to push a few buttons to get their opponents to react in embarrassing ways, to say stupid, insane, over-the-top things, and generally act like idiots going into the Midterms.

This kind of image can only serve that function, but if it succeeds it will help push the normies and most unaffiliated voters away from a GOP that has been provoked into going into full Alex Jones mode. 


  1. Interesting point of view. Thanks.

  2. Dilbert retweeted this on his timeline, found it simple, krass, cringe and funny at the same time.


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