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Friday, March 1, 2024


Meet "Jazzhands McFeels", known to his mother as "Robert Gasiewicz"

An unimportant member of a failed metapolitical grift that had ties to Russia, has finally been doxxed in an attempt to fuck up his boat hire business.

This rather pointless dox concerns the Polish man behind the podcast "Fash the Nation," a dull, tedious podcast that attempted to mix Neo-Nazi memes with normie Right-wing politics. Yawn!

The podcast, which disappeared up it own arse a year or two ago, was part of the TRS/National Justice Party cluster, which recently imploded. Most of the important TRS/ NJP members were doxxed years ago.

Also, as revealed previously, TRS and the NJP were tied to
obvious Russian agents, and were clearly part of Kremlin attempts to destabilise US politics. But the whole TRS thing appears to have been mainly a grift for its fat, lazy, and unemployable members. 

It is not yet known why the Polish man, involved in the dox, felt the need to change his name to "Jazz Hands McFeels," as his real name, Robert Warren Gasiewicz, is a relatively easy-to-pronounce Polish name. Also, he did not have a boating business to worry about at the time. It may simply have been because of his anti-Semitism and the fact that he was therefore embarrassed to be working under a Jew, or possibly because his real name evokes an evil crone farting from eating too much Polish food.

Polish food is the best (but deadly to normal people)!

Since dropping out of the failed metapolitical grift, Gasiewicz (pronounced "gassy witch") has focused on a boat chartering business.

According to the dox:

"In April 2023, about two months before the final FTN episode was recorded, Gasiewicz started a charter boat company in Stuart, Florida, “Warren Penn Charters, LLC,” doing business as "Aqua Magic Charters."

This is surprising, as Poles are not noted for their seafaring abilities, having had almost no coastline until Hitler gave them one by dying in 1945.

Poland 1939 (not even trying to have a proper sea coast)

The dox also includes an elaborate account of how Jazzhand's true identity was finally tracked down by industrious, hard-working antifa. But this may just be a cover story for Richard Spencer simply turning him in to his Fed handlers to stay out of jail for a few more months. 


  1. Looks like just another expat looking for an easy grift.

  2. Where is the full link to the doxx? Id like to look this over to verify the veracity of the claim.

    1. Just before the quote, bold text "the dox" is linked.

  3. Looks like he is making a substantial amount of money. That lifestyle he has can not be funded by a paltry $110,000 a year he was earning from his podcast, or a boat charter company that only charges $400 for a three hour trip. I checked out his website and it’s not a big company, no employees, just himself.

    He is clearly being paid by a government agency. Very interesting.


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