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Friday, March 22, 2024


So few fucks given I can't even be bothered to update 
the casualty numbers to 137 or whatever it is. 

A giant wave of non-fuckness has been given after around 50 Russians got slotted at some concert or other.

In any other country 50 people getting wasted by terrorists or false flag operatives would be a big deal, but because this is Russia, it is about as significant as some babushka knitting a new scarf to wipe her arse on. 

This is because Russia's leaders over the centuries have worked 24-7 to devalue human life and make it an almost meaningless concept. From Peter the Great using the bones of millions of serfs to build his capital city on a swamp, to Stalin stopping tens of millions of German bullets with cheap and inexpensive Ivans, right up to today with Putin using endless "meat waves" to capture strategic brick shithouses on the plains of the Ukraine, human life in Russia has always been a joke. 

Also sparking a vast mushroom cloud of disinterest over the supposed 50 or is it 60 concert-going deaths is the whacky post-truth world that Russia's leaders have skilfully created over the years, with fun projects like the Potemkin village, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, fake elections, bot farms, kompramat on Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson, and other goofy shit.

This means that any story that the Russian government pushes is about as solid as the marzipan dildo that Putin's double uses to fuck his imaginary girlfriend. 

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