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Friday, March 1, 2024


Brimelow has signally failed to assimilate his Northern British accent to American norms

Born 1947. A seemingly "respectable" paleoconservative and anti-immigration campaigner based in the USA, who is, erm... an immigrant himself (from Northern England). 

Like the equally "respectable-seeming" Jared Taylor (also an immigrant - from Japan) Brimelow nevertheless has quite solid connections with more hard-line WN/
Neo-Nazi types, such as "Turner Diaries" enthusiast Kevin DeAnna and Jason "sex tourist" Kessler, who has recently returned to the WN fray after "rage quitting" less than a year ago. 

Based on this, it doesn't strain the available data too much to view Brimelow as something more sinister, say, a highly skilled grifter with nefarious links to Russia. In fact, it's rather easier to view him that way.

Around 2010, he became part of the Alt-Right, but distanced himself from Richard Spencer after the 2016 NPI "Heilgate" Conference, at which he was present.

After working in financial journalism in the 1980s and being a senior editor at Forbes, he became more political, serving as a columnist for National Review. Following a possibly Deep-State-initiated purge there, he set up his own site VDare in 1999 to push his strong, one-dimensional anti-immigration message.

Tax returns suggest he is being extremely well compensated for pushing this simple message, In 2019 VDare received $4,345,643 in donations. Out of this Brimelow paid himself "compensation" of $345,364, which was one third of total functional expenses ($991,515), leaving a net income of $3,354,128 (i.e. a big wad of cash that Brimelow can decide to use any way he likes). Not surprisingly in 2020 he purchased, through the VDare Foundation, an actual castle.

An Englishman's home is his...

He claimed at the time that this was in order to provide a location for Dissident Right conferences, but the palatial residence is also used as a family home for Brimelow, his wife, who is around 40 years younger than him, and his even younger daughters. 

He was also one of the chief beneficiaries of the highly suspicious bit-coin donation from "suicided" Frenchman Laurent Bachelier, which sparked off FBI interest as a possible Kremlin op, leading to an investigation of fellow recipient Nick Fuentes.

Big, fat Russian pie?

More recently, the VDare Foundation has been under lawfare attacks of the kind normally reserved for entities that are suspected of being foreign Deep State ops. In 2022 New York Attorney General Letitia James subpoenaed Facebook’s records related to VDare and is currently attempting to look into VDare's "dark money" backing within the restraints imposed by US law. 

Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that this investigation recently prompted prime Kremlin shill (and possible Putin asset) Tucket Carlson to attempt what for him was a rather costly defence of VDare on his show. This looked more like Russia burning up its assets to stop their other asset getting burnt up too fast, rather than an organic piece of journalism. Is Letitia getting too near the target? We shall see. Watch this space, as they say.

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