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Monday, April 24, 2023


Another star has gone out in the Dissident Right cosmos with the announcement recently by Jason Kessler that he will be stepping away from the world of dissident politics.

Kessler, 39 and unmarried, said in an online message on April 19 that the straw that broke the camel's back was when his wignat followers failed to support him when his computer broke down. 

In recent months, as we noted here, Kessler was taking a turn from more sensible White nationalism and advocacy to an extreme K-word and N-word Neo-Nazi version. It now appears that this was probably an attempt to tap into a donor base that would feel motivated enough by string emotions to subsidise his lifestyle.

This effort included sucking up to "gay" Nazi Greg Johnson and having shitmagnets like Christopher Cantwell and "Doctor" David Duke on his podcast. It also involved a change toward a "shockjock" style of presentation that ill suited the leaden personality of Kessler. 

Recently, Kessler blew more than the cost of a new computer on what appears to be a trip to "hook up" with women in a Third World country. None of this, apparently, endeared him enough to his prospective donor base of wignats, a notoriously tight-fisted demographic, due possibly to the frequent disappointments they have suffered at the hands of their supposed leaders. 

Here is Kessler's own statement in full, which has a certain restrained grace and dignity -- combined with the unmistakable thwack of the door hitting him on the way out:

This is goodbye. After 7 years as a political activist, journalist and commentator I am retiring from public life to focus on other hobbies. Over the better part of the last year, my baby has been working on the Happenings video program for you guys. I put as much effort into it as I have anything that I cared about from attending college, to starting a business, or writing a book. I hoped to use the platform as a way to move myself beyond the specter of Charlottesville and build a devoted following who could help me achieve political goals.

But when the computer I needed to broadcast my program crashed, I required help to defray the costs of purchasing a machine to continue my work. After almost a year, I felt I'd reached a sink or swim moment where I should no longer be expected to spend my own money for costs associating with working for the public.

Objectively, Happenings, and I, sank. Only one person donated and, though I am heartbroken, this is an objective metric I cannot deny. If I haven't inspired your loyalty and devotion after all these years of sacrifices; if I can't convince you that what I'm doing is worth even a dollar to you, then there is no hope of us accomplishing greater things in the future: things which will require real commitment to make a measurable difference in the world.

And, to be honest, I am insulted enough that my pride would never allow me to go back to political commentary again. It would be like taking back an unfaithful woman. A humiliation. After almost a year, I felt I'd reached a sink or swim moment where I should no longer be expected to spend my own money for costs associating with working for the public.

People say not to compare yourself to others but I can't help looking at all the other commentators out there who are making 6 figures like Zman said he does at Amren, or becoming a millionaire like Nick Fuentes, or even charging $300 a ticket for a meetup like Richard Spencer did recently. Another guy recently needed money for rent and had to send out multiple emails telling people to stop donating because they'd sent too much already.

And I have to actually go into debt buying equipment because I have a negative value apparently. The point is not to hate on those guys' success. Its to demonstrate that incentives are provided for content creators that the community cares about and I am just not one of them. It stings but the community doesn't love me and never will.

It also feels like I've been trapped in a sinking ship with people engaged in a constant circular firing squad. Everyone is a fed, etc. I'm tired of being angry all the time. And if I am angry, I want to inspect that and change it within myself rather than lashing out at an intractable and frustrating political landscape.

For those researching me in the future and judging me by my past, this is truly the end of this phase of my life. To the extent possible I wish to extend my spiritual development beyond the toxic world of politics, which from my vantage point, has absolutely corrupted nearly everyone, of all political affiliations, who engages in it.

My social media and web presence will likely be deleted in the near future.


Within six months he was back, writing for Neo-Nazi site Counter-Currents.

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