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Sunday, April 16, 2023


Christian Nationalism is supposed to be the new ideological wave that will sweep America and ensure Trump's triumph in 2024. Now, it appears that a book called "The Case for Christian Nationalism," under the name of Red-State Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, has in fact been ghost-written by an English homosexual who claims to be a "Catholic" while remaining married to his Black husband. 

The book, which is as yet unpublished, is supposed to serve as a "foundational" text for the movement, even though there is already a book out with the same name by someone called Stephen Wolfe.

The new book will apparently be sold with a matching King James Bible. Nice!

These revelations come after "fellow Christian nationalist" and "rumoured homosexual" Nick Fuentes released images and texts previously sent to him by Yiannopoulos, with whom he has now fallen out.

The images also suggest that Milo was staying at the home of Marjorie Taylor Greene while working on the book. 


  1. Something is very odd about that book! Why the banner-like line through that republican womans upper face? Its extremely bad design. Is the r-woman, her ghostwriter and their publisher in fact mocking "Christian nationalism"?

    Is the republican party in itself even really a vehicle for what it claims to stand for? Or is it in fact seeking the destruction of most of what its base truly believes in? Like Christianity and the American republic?

    What is the real mission of Trump one might ask?

    Is it truly to "make America great again"?

    Or is he in fact on a quest more like "America never again - bitches!"

  2. "Why is the banner-like line through that republican womans upper face?" you ask. I'm surprised that while you were at it, you didn't ask the next question: "And why does it say 'not for resale'? That must mean they want the book to fail!" If you had, then you would have demonstrated your suitability to pen articles for Colin describing Russia as a pitiful, helpless giant that is surely doomed while also calling for continuing proxy warfare against the menacing Russian bear that threatens the West.

    1. I did not look carefully on the words on the banner. I must admit it. Automatically thinking them to be add-ons to the title, author names, or something like that. And I do not view Russia-China as an independent and sincerely hostile power-block, but as "pawns in the game", just like the West, of the already established yet still unofficial world government.

  3. I read that Milo divorced his black husband and is now heterosexual.


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