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Saturday, January 14, 2023


Fedposting: Will cuss for Fed bux 

Back in 2019, Jason Kessler tried to present himself as the face of reasonable "White identitarianism," i.e. a version of American nationalism that could appeal to the "normies." Kessler was, of course, the original holder of the permit for the "Unite the Right" rally at Charlottesville, which coincidentally led to the Great Deplatforming of 2017. 

As part of his "normie-friendly nationalist" approach, he was highly critical of the extremist racial nationalism and outright Neo-Naziism that was then being promoted by people like Greg Johnson, Mike Enoch, and Richard Spencer at the time. In fact, he made a video about it, in which he said of Spencer:

"He had a poster of Adolf Hitler on his wall. At the time I was thinking all this Neo-Nazi stuff that was popping up on 4chan was more ironic, more for shock humour. Later on I would come to find that that was not the case, and that's one of the problems why we had so many problems at Unite the Right - because the Neo-Nazi contingent was not a bug, it was a feature, and that's directly due to the influence of people like Spencer, who I think are taking legitimate, populist anger by White people about the discrimination and replacement policies against them right now and he's diverting it into this Neo-Nazi garbage that every White Person in the country is going to turn against. Like, completely subverting the thing!"

But it looks like Jason, who is now quite closely aligned with Neo-Nazi Greg Johnson, has decided on an "interesting" change of direction, dropping a video full of racist slurs and homophobic rhetoric (N-words and F-words, etc) that attacks several other so-called "Dissident Righters" like Nick Fuentes and Andrew Anglin (sic).

In the video published on Odyssey, which may well end up deleting it, Kessler says:

"I don't care how much rosaries Kanye West says. Keep that fucking [N-word] away from the White women! Now this is about this little [F-word] Nick Fuentes and all his televangelist buddies, all these greedy compromised little [F-word]s that are doing nothing but promoting race mixing and I've had enough of it..."

He also comments on Kanye West's recent marriage to a White woman:

"That's why he went after her because he is a fucking [N-word] who likes White women."

He also claims that Anglin is some kind of Fed operation designed to discredit nationalism, which kind of sounds like sheer projection in the mouth of someone claiming to be a nationalist while using gutter racial slurs in the manner Kessler is doing, all the while trying to rage like Alex Jones. Anyway, it is far more likely that Anglin is a Russian asset rather than an American one.

In recent days, Kessler had Christopher Cantwell on his podcast. Cantwell is best known as the "Crying Nazi" who was arrested after Charlottesville and then agreed to work with the Feds. In fact, he worked so hard for the Feds trying to get info on a fellow "White nationalist" from another fellow "White nationalist" that he ended up getting jailed for threatening to rape the second guy's wife in front of him.

It seemed pretty odd at the time that Kessler, with his more sensible nationalist image, was promoting an obvious shit-magnet and certified Fed like Cantwell, but not anymore. 

So, is Kessler a Fed? Who knows and who even cares. It's much easier and more certain to just say that he may as well be one for the crass way he is discrediting White identitarianism with his trash-talk-for-morons, TRS-style approach, and, yes, the Feds probably would be happy to see that. Or maybe he has just spotted a gap in the on-line race-rage market and he is desperately trying to exploit for his own petty financial gain. After all, he does have heavy legal bills to pay.

More importantly, Kessler's descent into the sewer is yet more proof that White nationalism in America will never go anywhere. It has been fucking up -- or has been fucked up -- in exactly the same way as this for decades now, and is clearly never going to stop fucking up, as it moves in ever decreasing circles. Almost everyone who ever takes up its banner ends up becoming a complete bag of shit after a while.

Nationalist movements in other countries, like the UK, Europe, or Australia, should draw a cordon sanitaire around American identitarianism and avoid all contact with it or influence from it. If they don't they will end up going down the same hole. Unfortunately for them, one of the effects of the Alt-Right was to spread this pattern of shitbaggery and failure to other identitarian and nationalist movements around the World, and now many of them are repeating the same mistakes as their American cousins.

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