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Tuesday, January 31, 2023


by Colin Liddell

Read other entries like this in The Dikipedia: Who's Who in the Dissident Right, an ever-expanding biographical guide to the colorful characters of the Dissident Right.

Born 1986. Real name Joshua Dietz. A well-educated, well-spoken, and personable Alt-Righter, who is nevertheless perfectly aligned with all the usual anti-Semite positions, victim mentality, and conspiritardery of the TRS wing of the Alt-Right.

He became prominent in the Dissident Right due to his association with Richard Spencer, with whom he presented some podcasts during Spencer's most Nazitard phase, the McSpencer Podcast around 2019. His real name has a rather "Semitic" resonance, as do his looks. My guess is that he is possibly quarter or half-Jewish, which is often the case with many anti-Semites (see Weev, Mike Enoch, John Daly, Frank Cohen, Kevin Wilshaw, etc).

He started out as a psychology teacher at public and private universities in New York City, which also sounds less than WASPy. He had a hypnotism practice and played in a band, which, according to doxxers, also contained a transvestite, a Black, and (another?) Jew in it.

So, there are definitely plenty of red flags for anyone who wishes to doubt the sincerity of Dietz's Neo-Nazi views.

He has published a book, called American Extremist: The Psychology of Political Extremism, which I have not read, but apparently it claims that liberals are the "real extremists." This idea is hardly original.


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 


  1. You should read his book nontheless your assumption is wrong..

    1. Which "assumption" are you referring to?

    2. If the assumption was correct he wouldn’t need to doctor a photo to “prove” his point

    3. Which assumption are YOU referring to?
      Also, post proof that the photo is "doctored" if you can.

  2. This guy is very sketchy. All signs point to him being a member of the tribe. Many Jews like Mike Enoch are prominent members of neo nazi organizations.


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