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Monday, March 11, 2024


A film about a giant project to make a "total bomb," lasting over three hours and boring everyone to death at cinemas around the world, has swept the Oscars.

The film, about the most boring film possible, took years to complete and cost hundreds of millions of dollars, much of which went into Botox injections for its swollen-faced protagonist Cillian Murphy who plays the lead role of "I.M.B. Cumdeth."

The movie, which was mainly shot in greyscale "Yawn-o-Vision," is expected to make most of its profits from popcorn sales as its desperate audiences, lured into cinemas by pretentious movie reviews, strive to stay alive in the bleak dark eons created by the movie before they are allowed a toilet break. 


  1. More like SLOPpenheimer if you ask me!

  2. Movies that bore the general public don't make nearly a billion dollars.

    It could very well be boring, but that doesn't make it the consensus. Audiences loved it, not just the critics.

    1. That's a good point, and obviously this is our opinion. However, I think the movie roped people in with good performances and visuals enough to keep the average person reasonably entertained. And then that person, whose expectations aren't very high, tells his friend to check out a well-paced, nice-looking piece of mediocrity bolstered by the aura of "importance" and a name director, and viola, money made. But I doubt many people saw it more than once.


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