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Wednesday, February 15, 2023


Peanut-headed nutjob DeAnna

Any credibility the Alt-Right had was shoved screaming into a massive dumpster fire and burnt to a shrivelled crisp long ago. But the crapulous "meta-political" movement, boosted by infusions of Russian bot activity, still manages to limp on and comment on current events from the side-lines.

Here's "James Kirkpatrick" AKA Gregory Hood -- real name Kevin DeAnna -- "expressing an opinion" on the recent rail crash and fire in Ohio in a couple of tweets:

Hmmm, yeh...

The idea being pushed here is that the rail crash in Ohio was done on purpose by "Satanic Liberals" in order to pollute and poison millions of Red State voters in a "chemical Chernobyl" to punish them for the crime of voting for Donald Trump.

Scratch a little deeper into DeAnna's deranged midwit writing you'll find that he's basically "ZOG whistling" -- implying to his followers that bad things like this only happen because of "da Joooos" who supposedly control the Liberals.

DeAnna, by the way, is not just some random nutjob on the Alt-Right. He's actually a very central and well-connected nutjob on the Alt-Right.

Not only is he the chief guy at Jared Taylor's American Renaissance but he also writes for sites like Greg Johnson's Counter-Currents and Peter Brimelow's VDare. Together these sites probably get around two or three thousand hits a days, often from mentally unstable individuals who may "act out" on what they read. This means that responsibility for the clinically insane and paranoid views that DeAnna is pushing is also shared by the people who platform him. 

Indeed, it is not only the readers who are in danger. Recently, one of DeAnna's co-writers -- a vertically-challenged "quasi-White" like himself who operated under numerous pen-names -- ended up killing himself.

As you may note from the top image and his real name, De Anna is a small, shrunken-looking Italian-American man with a peanut-shaped head, who struggles to identify as a big strong WASP man.

Here is his favourite Avatar:

Yes, nothing like him; probably about three feet taller and with a head shaped more like a hazelnut than a peanut.

Oddly, a certain "James Kirkpatrick" was also a British colonial administrator who was mainly famous for marrying an Indian woman and having mixed-race children. You can read about it here. So WASP-wannabe and Neo-Nazi-signaller DeAnna may want to reconsider his idiotic choice of pen name. 


  1. Is there any confirmation that Rojas killed himself?

    1. Heard people with better sources than mine talking about it as a suicide. Officially it is still a grey area. Either it's an act of wilful suicide or a drug overdose, but in both cases it can be said that he "killed himself." Very small outside chance of it being something else.


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