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Tuesday, June 28, 2022


Martin Rojas -- better known under a batch of pen names and pseudonyms as Chris Roberts, Hubert Collins, Gilbert Cavanaugh, Nathan Doyle, and Benjamin Villaroel -- has passed away at the extremely young age of 29. Rojas was a writer on many classic Alt-Right sites, such as Counter Currents, VDare, and Alternative Right, and played a key role at Jared Taylor's American Renaissance site, where he appears to have had one of the few salaried positions in the Alt-Right. 

As Taylor wrote in an obituary:

Roberts, who worked for us from July 2016 to October 2017 and again, beginning in November 2019, was a constant source of energy and new ideas. His title—Director of Special Projects—fit him perfectly. He did everything: fundraising, website optimization, video-distribution strategy, donor relations, podcasts, author prospecting and, of course, he wrote. We published more than 400 of his articles, including those under his pen names of Gilbert Cavanaugh and Hubert Collins.

The cause of death is as yet unknown. 

Like many in the Alt-Right Rojas was a "quasi-White American", being half Hispanic, with a Chilean immigrant father and an American mother. He was bilingual, and in 2019 moved to Chile in an attempt to live as a Chilean, but returned to the US at the end of the year to his post as "Director of Special Projects" at American Renaissance.

Last year he was doxxed by Atlanta Antifa who explained their reasons as follows: 

We are exposing Rojas because his propaganda has a body count. He has helped fuel white nationalist and “Identitarian” movements whose conspiracy theories of white replacement predictably lead to attacks and murder. While Rojas may claim that he is merely discussing ideas, these ideas get put into practice with massacres such as in Christchurch, New Zealand and El Paso, Texas. These are all the fruits of his movement’s narratives. Rojas will probably continue to spread his pompous racist propaganda, but at least he will no longer have the cover of anonymity.

It is unclear if this doxxing had anything to do with Rojas's death. 


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