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Wednesday, February 22, 2023


The Dissident Right - a caricature of its critiques

Hard truths.

First, look at the bizarre cast of characters (including me I suppose) in the “Dissident Right.”  Then ask – do you really believe that this “Dissident Right” as it currently exists has the capacity to overthrow the System and install a pro-White regime?  Can it achieve any of its stated goals, even if in part?

I would say – NO. Basically, you just have people with their brands, creating content, providing entertainment to people tricked into believing that by consuming this content, by making blog comments, and by giving donations, that they are “fighting the System” and “saving the White race.”  At least, perhaps the more deluded supporters believe this; others may realize, even if subconsciously, that it is all for show. It’s all a joke.

Now, of all of the people listed at that site, I would like to think of myself, of The Sallis Groupuscule, of being somewhat different. That may be my bias, but I will express that opinion nevertheless. I do not ask you for donations, and I am willing to tell you hard truths, such as this post, even if it is (as the moronic Alt Right would say) “black pilling” and not what you want to hear. I do not care if the content here is “entertaining” and I certainly do not consider it as a “brand.” The content does have an actual intention of being politically relevant, but I have no illusions about its possible impact.

Putting myself aside, and looking instead at Der Movement – that I reject – you really do have to ask yourself: Is Der Movement politically serious or is it merely entertainment to provide a revenue stream for the entertainers? The anti-“movement” watchdog groups are also entertainment and grifting, convincing supporters that by giving money they are “stopping racism.”  And the leadership there must know that Der Movement is a pathetic and harmless joke.  How could they not?

What about Trumpism?  Is opposing Der Movement a way for breathless leftists to impede their Orange Bogeyman?  No, that is delusion as well. While Trump himself may be a fraud, Trumpism is an authentic bottom-up right-wing populist version of mainstream paleoconservatism and civic nationalism.  It is certainly more aggressive than traditional paleoconservatism, but that is a result of it reacting to the extremism of the Left, and the radical agenda of “progressives.”  Trumpism derives from the reaction of the GOP base to decades of betrayal by the Republican Establishment; it is a reaction to neoconservative RINOs and in particular it expresses the rage at the McCain-Graham-Rubio push for “immigration reform” (i.e., amnesty and de facto open borders). Trump tapped into unexploited niche, he mined that rage, and he made explicitly part of the GOP base’s agenda.

Contrary to the delusions of the Far Right and the hysteria of the Left (no need to say “Far left;” Left and Far Left are one and the same these days), Trumpism really has nothing to do with Der Movement, to the Alt Right, to any of it. Even if Taylor, MacDonald, Johnson, Spencer et al. never existed, even if the Alt Right fiasco never occurred, the forces behind Trumpism would have emerged sooner or later. It happened with Trump in 2015-2016, but even sans Trump, the populist volcano would have erupted on the Right.

“Stopping White nationalism” is not going to stop the trajectory the country is on; right-wing populism is a mass White reaction to dispossession and to the grifting dog whistling of the fraudulent Republican Establishment. Der Movement did not create Trumpism, it simply jumped on its bandwagon and rode the crest wave of its early enthusiasm.  But it is easier for the Left to worry and anguish over clownish Nutzis than to admit that America is a broken and divided nation and to admit that their own behavior, the antics of the Loony Left – that group that really has the power in America – is what is responsible for that breakage and division in the first place. Tackling this insoluble problem is too impossible and disheartening, so imaginary problems, easily approached laughable bogeymen, are propped up instead. These are used as the false face of the authentic teeming White discontent that is baked into the current American reality.

The purely negative leftist approach of “stopping White racism” demonstrates the ideological, intellectual, spiritual, and moral bankruptcy of today’s Left.  Their basic strategy is “running out the clock” – doing everything possible to prevent, impede, or at least delay a White resurgence until the point that demographic and cultural changes are permanently irreversible and any White reaction is doomed to fail. This whole “we have nothing to offer but we’ll prevent you from saving yourselves” approach is adding fuel the dumpster fire that is America and the West. So both sides of the equation are sideshows, businesses catering to different sets of customers, while the real march of history occurs elsewhere.

What if Der Movement, or better, some successor to it, was serious?  I’ve outlined many times what such a real movement would do; but to very briefly outline once again:

1. Metapolitical activity – real ideological production and hardcore organization work. Real metapolitics and creation of a genuine revolutionary cadre, especially something like the Legionary Movement. Jim Goad’s Worst Week Yet posts don’t quite cut it as top level metapolitical development. That’s merely non-ideological Howard Stern-like juvenile jackassery, to boost page views and elicit donations.  That is not a serious step forward. Amren’s outrage porn is little different, and the demented gibbering at TOO is merely an embarrassment. Nothing that Der Movement is currently doing cuts it.

Real metapolitics and metapolitical organizing would provide serious ideological and practical leadership for the other two approaches

2. Electoral politics – a deep dive into right-wing politics, candidates whose main mission is to move right-wing populism from implicitly White civic nationalism that tries to appeal to Color (just like the System) to more explicit pro-White politics that puts White interests first.  In the worst outcome, this would be useful for propaganda, organizing, stimulating leftist outrage that would have a positive, salubrious effect on waking up Whites, and providing a distraction to take leftist attention away from the other two approaches. In the best case scenario, electoral victories can stimulate Suvorov’s Law effects, get people into positions in which they can provide protection for the other two approaches, and provide even more propaganda, organizing, and leftist outrage value. I’m no fan of Neil Kumar, but let us give him credit for actually doing something useful.

3. Community building – we need real community building to provide an alternative to the System, combat the System’s social pricing while imposing some of our own, and to create the infrastructures any real movement needs.  Last but not least, it would improve the everyday lives of the people in such communities. We need to do that – not have meetings in which young men get groped by homosexuals.

Do I believe that there is a good chance any of that will occur?  No.  As long as Der Movement occupies the Far Right niche space. like a weed choking off healthy growth (or like a giant turd stopping up the flow of water in a plumbing system), real progress will be impossible.

And anyone telling you that Der Movement is a threat is lying to you. It is not a threat, never was a threat, and will never be a threat.

Viewed as tragicomedy, it might be entertaining though.

From Eginotes blog

1 comment:

  1. "Trumpism is authentic"


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