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Saturday, February 18, 2023


Tran: All the hallmarks of the typical Alt-Righter

A man called "Tran" has been arrested for the shooting of two Jews that occurred recently in the Los Angeles suburb of Pico-Robertson.

As reported by local media:

Two federal hate crime charges were filed against the suspect accused of shooting two Jewish men just 24-hours apart as they were leaving their synagogues in Los Angeles' Pico-Robertson neighborhood, authorities announced Friday.

Jaime Tran, of Cathedral City, was charged with committing a hate crime by interference with federally protected activities and use of a firearm in a felony, according to a criminal complaint unsealed Friday.

Tran, 28, appeared in Los Angeles federal court Friday afternoon and was ordered to remain jailed without bail. Magistrate Judge Margo A. Rocconi scheduled his arraignment for March 9.

FOX 11 has learned that Jaime Tran, the man accused of shooting at two Jewish men leaving a synagogue in LA, was arrested last summer for carrying an loaded gun on the campus of Cal State Long Beach. Tran was out on $30,000 bail at the time of the shooting.

Tran is considered homeless and was a former dental student. He has a long history of threats against his Jewish friends. He was arrested in July for carrying a gun on the campus of Cal State Long Beach and was out on $30,000 bail when he committed the two shootings. 

What has not been emphasised in the reporting so far is the complex psychology that drives people to commit these crimes or that Tran is a typical Alt-Righter whose only motive for his actions was an all-consuming hatred of Jews.

It is not yet known whether Tran is connected to some clearly Alt-Right sourced leaflets that were distributed in the same neighbourhood a few short months ago, but it seems likely:

But it is clear that Tran has the two defining characteristics of a typical Alt-Righter, namely an obsessive hatred of Jews and a sense of "lacking Whiteness."

Nearly every major figure in the Alt-Right in recent years shares these two characteristics, either being what is termed a "self-loathing Jew" (yes, that's actually a scientific term):

Prominent Jewish Alt-Righters who hate themselves 

...married to a Non-White waifu:

Japanese waifu, "Caspian" waifu, Chinese waifu

...0r else being what the Alt-Right refers to as "mystery meat."

This is a derogatory hate term invented by Alt-Righters to pour scorn and derision on people of mixed race, or those with a less Aryan or WASPish background. Ironically many Alt-Righters fit into this category perfectly: 

Feeling "less than White" the Alt-Righter seeks to overcompensate through hate.

The "sub-" or "quasi-White" thinks that simply by hating Jews he can somehow magically become "more White" than he is, not realising that "Whiteness" is just an artificial social construct that embodies America's centuries of racism and inequality.

Tran's attempt to kill Jews should be seen in these terms, as nothing more than a desperate attempt by a non-White man in a society defined by "Whiteness" to finally "become White."

Whether he has succeeded or not will probably depend on which prison gang he joins when he is sentenced for his evil crimes.

Also, according to Professor Jean-Philippe Rushton's r/K race theory, Tran's attack on Jews was completely pointless, as East Asians are actually considered "Whiter" than Europeans who are closely related to Black people. By attacking Jews, Tran was actually making himself less "White":

This may explain why his shooting was actually extremely poor, with both victims surviving.

1 comment:

  1. Well, he could be crazy. Not saying there aren't various levels of crazy on the right. That said, the anti-whites are even more crazy.


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