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Monday, February 6, 2023


To use power is to lose power. This is nowhere more true than in the world of secret assets of foreign governments. This is because as soon as a secret asset is used, it immediately becomes clear whom it is serving.

This appears to be the case with Elon Musk, the head of Tesla and Twitter. In the past he has pushed for a fake "peace deal" that would ensure Putin keeping many of the gains of his recent war of aggression in the Ukraine. He has also allowed blatant Russian shills back onto Twitter under the banner of "freedom of speech" while suspiciously refusing to un-ban Russia-sceptical dissident accounts like this one.

Now, in the latest example of Musk revealing his not-so-secret agenda, he has attempted to add "legitimacy" to a crude piece of Kremlin disinfo being flushed into the internet bloodstream:

Russia-shilling in plain site

This blatant disinfo claims that Ukraine has suffered horrendous losses compared to relatively mild Russian losses, and presents itself as "secret info" acquired from a "reliable intelligence source," namely the Israeli Mossad. 

This has all the hallmarks of typical Kremlin ops, like the well-known "Operation Infektion" in the 1980s, the partially successful KGB attempt to blame AIDs on the CIA instead of gays in bathhouses.

The  disinfo method has not changed: First a "story" is planted in an obscure publication, usually in a Third World country with low journalistic standards. Then "the story" is boosted and cited in other publications under Kremlin influence to make it seem more "newsworthy," and then pushed up the news food chain, getting more and more "reputable" news sites and higher profile individuals to cite it or refer to it in some way. Needless to say, social media has made this polluting process easier than ever.

The present fake "Mossad" story seems to stem from a unsourced item on a Turkish news site posted on Twitter by an apparent Russian shill. The fact that Musk then comes along and retweets this with a fake "concern trolling" comment can only serve to promote the disinfo more effectively than a bot army.

In short, Musk is acting exactly as a Russian asset could be expected to act, although in Musk's case he probably has two masters. Thanks to his numerous business connections to China, Musk's main master is probably the Chinese. Musk can thus be described as a ChiRus (China-Russia) asset.

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