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Saturday, February 11, 2023


The heroic age of the Dissident Right is definitely over. Now, the movement is defined by increasingly low-tier ideas, like Christian Nationalism, and low calibre intellects and personalities, who either just witter on endlessly on livestreams or twitter on endlessly on, erm, Twitter. 

The epitome of the Diss-Right today is probably Catturd, a guy who just tweets a lot, with content made up of low-hanging-fruit jibes at the freak show of modern life, Boomertard jabs at Leftists, and conspiracy theories that Russia probably wants to see promoted.

Yeh, his avatar is a just a cat that likes to shit. But it works for him - he has 1.4 million Twitter followers and gets retweeted by the Trumps, Tucker Carlson, and Elon Musk.

But with fame comes the inevitable media spotlight. Rolling Stone has just done an exposé on the guy, and has revealed that is he is in fact just a bitter, lonely aging boomer, scared of growing old.

Rolling Stone, which leans left, accurately describes his content as QAnon aligned:

While @catturd2’s rhetoric is mostly unoriginal, he produces an incredible amount of it, covering a wide breadth of topics, and has a proven ability to spread it. Anyone drawn in by his folksy demeanor will soon be treated to claims that Pfizer sponsored “unholy satanic performances at the Grammys,” fresh material for the QAnon forums.

Yes, conspiritards being triggered by the Grammys and endlessly tweeting about it is now the "commanding heights" of the Dissident Right, LOL

As for his personal life, it's a mess - an unsuccessful musician with a string of failed marriages:

He’s in his late 50s, has multiple ex-wives but no children, and apparently lives alone except for his pets. 

Basically the guy is just a right-wing version of a liberal cat lady and will probably be eaten by his cats too when he finally passes away after one tweet too many. 

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