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Sunday, December 17, 2023


Mike Enoch in his moment of Aryan triumph

Reports are filtering in from the far reaches of the internet that the National Justice Party has finally defeated the "Jewish menace" they were set up to combat, and has now decided to call it a day.

The Party, which did nothing in its short life but squabble over donations and stand around in barns, defeated the Jews last Thursday, when supreme leader Mike Enoch punched himself in the face and said he was finished. 

Enoch had previously taken full control of the party from its ruling committee just three days before total victory was declared by ousting the other remaining member of the committee Tony Hovater:

This opened the way for Enoch to then beat the shit out of himself and to thereby claim "total and irreversible victory over the Jew" that even world-renowned anti-Semites like Henry Ford and Elon Musk could hardly dream of. 

Ford and Musk jealous of Enoch's success at defeating the octopus of International Jewry. 


  1. Besides Mike the other people at TRS saw it as a distraction from making money with podcast shows. Striker was always a toxic loser they wanted to get rid off, yet for strker NJP was the only meal ticket. Its rather anti-climactic how it ended, but now other people got rid of this weight around their neck. The less WN organizations are there, the better is the image.

    1. In future, always input a name (sock name OK) for your comments. "Anonymous" comments are generally not published here anymore. I made an exception this time.

  2. Would you ever consider puttin out a book of your articles from your alt right days? You were one of the more talented writers and I still reference the stuff you wrote. Seems like a waste it sitting there dormant on the affirmative right blog.

    I don't understand why you waste your time writing on alt right rejects. It is a wasted effort.

    1. Thanks for your interest. Some of my articles from my Alt-Right days are included in my one published book "Interviews and Obituaries" (2018). I sometimes ponder putting out another book, but not sure there is much demand for my sort of writing, as it is frankly too good for a lot of the train-wreck survivors who make up dissident movements, who basically just want lies, LARPs, feelz, and a cup of hot cocoa.

      As for my commentary on the Alt-Right, it is a relatively minor labour that takes up hardly any of my time.


All Comments MUST include a name (either real or sock). Also don't give us an easy excuse to ignore your brilliant comment by using "shitposty" language.
