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Tuesday, May 31, 2022


OMG! It's true! We're all going to be forced to live in pods and eat bugs! 

Here is the "proof" from the Independent

Edible insects are highly nutritious and have a much smaller carbon footprint than conventional meat, scientists says

Children are to be fed bugs as part of a plan to get a new generation to switch from meat to insects – and persuade their parents to follow their lead.

Pupils at four primary schools in Wales are to be offered insects to eat as part of a project to gauge children’s appetite for “alternative protein” such as crickets, grasshoppers, silkworms, locusts and mealworms.

Researchers hope their findings will give clues as to how best educate children on the environmental and nutritional benefits of edible insects across the UK, and potentially overseas – and, in turn, their parents, as the world looks to help the environment by cutting meat consumption.[...]

A 2020 study estimated that 9 million European consumers had eaten insects in 2019, and forecast that this would increase to 390 million by 2030, according to the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF), the insect production charity.

Yes, this has Klaus Schwab and the WEF's fingerprints all over it. In fact, it must have been part of the recent Davos discussions, where it presumably got OK'ed by the Rothschilds, possibly after a Satanic orgy hosted by "spirit cooking" high priestess Marina Abramović. 

But seriously, you can see how the conspiracy nuts are going to have a field day with this one. 

But, what is a comparatively sane person to make of this?

Well, it's all part and parcel of a globalised World. What is really being normalised here is not some Satanic vision cooked up by evil billionaires, but just the Third World, where bug eating has always been a thing, and overpopulation. 

Also, it's probably getting some impetus from "signally" White people. In the past, any "progressive" middle-class White person could stand out from the crowd by taking "woke" positions on race, LGBTQ, or the environment, but now almost everybody in advanced countries is so woke on all these issues that it is getting harder and harder to "signal" how special and progressive one is. Bug eating may provide a new opportunity for that. In that sense it's a godsend for a certain kind of eager White person.

As for me and the stubborn working class masses, we'll be sticking to our bacon, sausages, and eggs no matter how many roaches our highers and betters recommend we chow down on, and I suspect they will too. 

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