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Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Breitbart have just dropped a massive bombshell on "Conservative influencer" Pedro Gonzalez, spilling a shit-ton of anti-Semitic private messages.

Apparently this was done not because Gonzalez is an anti-Semite, which he is (obviously), but because he has been working tirelessly to boost the presidential campaign of his fellow Hispanic Ron DeSantis against GOP front-runner Donald Trump. 

Here is one of the many leaked messages with a cartoon that could have come straight from the Russia-backed Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer site:

And here is another one:

You might think that this would all be pretty damning for Gonzalez and DeSantis, but the fact is that groups like the ADL and the SPLC have done so badly countering anti-Semitism in America that it is now more widespread than ever, especially among several key GOP constituencies like Christcons and Hispanics. 

It is therefore too early to tell if the DeSantis campaign being associated with rampant anti-Semitism is necessarily a negative.

It's not even sure if it will hurt DeSantis's donor base, which you might think would be more "sensitive" to such accusations. This is because donor money is usually smart enough to know the difference between energising voter bases with anti-Semitic dog-whistles to gain power, and then exerting influence on that power behind the scenes. 


  1. I found PG's messages instructive. He said that his people are incapable of building a civilization and he's pro white because he and other brown people need whites to build a decent first world country for them.
    But he almost certainly also believes that Jews are the only reason brown people like him are in America. So he should be pro Jewish. And it must occur to him that if whites kick out the Jews they probably won't keep the brown people around either. I guess his solution to that problem was to show that he is one of the good ones that they should keep around. Such a self loathing world view is not sustainable (unless you are some sort of turbo cuck). So maybe his pivot away from Neo Nazism is actually genuine.

    I am Jewish btw.

  2. I know credentialism gets a bad rap, but I'm starting to think the idea of a professional op-ed writer with a BA is a dumb idea. Guys like Pedro and Ross Douthat and David Brooks and so on bring nothing to the table. There are millions of office workers with a basic liberal arts education who have equally well informed opinions about politics, they just don't get paid to write propaganda articles at a 10th grade reading level. If it came out that a Hillsdale professor wrote a 1000 page hagiographical biography of Hitler three years ago and published it under a pen name, at least that would be kind of interesting. Why must I care about the evolving political beliefs of some random Mexican dude?


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