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Monday, February 27, 2023


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Who is Anglin working for?
by Colin Liddell

Read other entries like this in The Dikipedia: Who's Who in the Dissident Right, an ever-expanding biographical guide to the colorful characters of the Right Wing

The chief editor and main writer of the notorious "Nazi troll" site The Daily Stormer. Anglin had a past as an SJW and "race-mixer" before repackaging himself as an uber-Neo-Nazi Jew hater in 2013, when he founded the Total Fascism site, the precursor to The Daily Stormer.

He is one of the most suspicious characters on the internet, and played a key role in normalising Big Tech's deplatforming of people with his international "hate" campaign against British Jewish MP Luciana Berger in 2014. Whatever the true story behind the man, he is clearly not what he presents himself as.

His closest associate Weev (Andrew Auernheimer) is a confirmed Jew, and there are well-founded suspicions that Anglin may well be one himself (and, indeed, he bears a striking resemblance to Jonathan Greenblatt the head of the ADL). If so, this would hardly be unique or even unusual, as many so-called Neo-Nazis have in fact been Jewish.

Known to be very short and with an appearance that reminds some of an albino, he is nevertheless a talented and industrious writer, although it is also possible that he is merely the "branding" for a team of writers. Along with TRS and others in the Alt-Right (Richard Spencer and Greg Johnson), he played a key role in turning the Alt-Right from a potent and polymorphous dissident movement to the Neo-Nazi caricature it has become today.

Following repeated attempts to de-platform The Daily Stormer in 2017, the site moved to a domain name controlled by Russia (, where it remained safely for nearly 5 years. This suggests that Anglin is most likely a Russian asset.

Kremlin troll humour.

It is also noticeable that Daily Stormer activity and internet prominence greatly increased in 2014. This was following the Ukrainian revolution, which was a watershed moment for the Kremlin, when Russian-backed Black ops on the internet greatly intensified. Sadly, very few in the Alt-Right realised the danger posed by Anglin and Russia's Nazification of the Alt-Right, although I am glad to say I was one of them, making major attacks on the Stormer, which provoked a major response by Anglin. Part of the reason for the virulence of this was that I called out his apparent "Jewishness" with this meme in 2015:

For the last couple of years his Daily Stormer pieces have featured prominently at the Unz Review, which claims to be a "free speech for dissidents" site, but is obviously a Kremlin shill site. Anglin's chief associate Weev was also widely reported to be based in Kremlin-controlled Transdniestria, a breakaway sliver of Moldavan territory.

In February 2022, the
Daily Stormer site was moved to a different domain name ( apparently in an attempt to better cloak its connection to Russia. The timing of this suggests that it was coordinated with other measures Russia was taking in the build-up to the attack on Ukraine. Since the invasion began, Anglin has boasted that his strongly pro-Kremlin takes are being recycled in the mainstream media by the likes of Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard. 

Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 


  1. Anglin certainly has some negroe in him. He probably has a black grandfather on one side of his family.

  2. He is a degenerate homosexual.


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