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Friday, June 2, 2023


Roger Waters with his wife

Aging rocker Roger Waters, who still mainly plays some old songs he wrote in the 1970s, has accused the Israeli Deep State of meddling in UK politics and being behind the overthrow of Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn in 2020. Waters made the accusations during a recent livestream:

Waters has yet to provide any direct evidence of Israeli meddling in British politics, although this a conspiracy theory like this is a natural inference for anyone trying to understand the highly unusual campaign against "anti-Semitism" in the Labour Party that led to the removal of popular leader Jeremy Corbyn, and his replacement with Sir Keir Starmer, a rather drab and sinister figure.

The "evidence" of anti-Semitism in the Labour party was sketchy at best, and mainly consisted of Lefties criticising heavy-handed Israeli occupation and policing of Palestinians. 

While Waters' theory of Israeli state involvement cannot be dismissed out of hand, a much more likely explanation for the unusual removal of Jeremy Corbyn is that this was something done by the British Deep State, who saw Jeremy Corbyn as a state security risk, either because of his anti-nuclear or anti-NATO stance, or because they viewed him as an actual Russian or partial Russian asset.

As usual with matters like this, the public is being kept totally in the dark about what is really going on, allowing all sorts of stupid, or not so stupid (but nevertheless wrong), conspiracy theories to grow like mushrooms on shit in the dark.

1 comment:

  1. I didn’t know he was married to a negress. Odds are he is a closeted homosexual. White men who are attracted to negroe females are attracted to them because of their high testosterone levels and masculinity. Negroe females have higher testosterone levels than Asian men.


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