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Monday, July 10, 2023


White nationalist Greg Johnson was clearly not satisfied with the poor job that antifa was doing at doxxing his organisation and has decided to give them a helping hand. Either that or it was just a "boomertech moment" by the aging Johnson, who is now nearing the age of 60....

Whatever the precise reason, Johnson has allowed a massive dump of Counter-Currents data into the public domain, making it accessible to journalists, antifa, and Deep State operatives.

As reported by the Guardian

A data leak from the website of a white nationalist publisher has revealed recordings, published and unpublished documents, and hitherto private interview recordings that shed light on the way in which the organization promotes its ideology online.

The internal data from Counter-Currents, a publishing house co-founded and run by notoriously secretive far-right ideologue Greg Johnson, was exposed in an Amazon cloud storage container that was left unlocked on the open internet.

The leak includes material used on the site, but also includes unpublished articles and audio,
PDF documents of far-right books the organization has shared with readers, image files, and other items. It is not yet clear if the info of subscribers, donors, or purchasers of Counter-Currents books was included in the leaked data.

In one leaked audio, Johnson's associate Michael Polignano, who co-founded the site with him, "boasted" of having had a sexual relationship with a female Jewish journalist:

Despite his long-term involvement in antisemitic politics, Polignano made detailed claims in the 2017 recording about a sexual relationship he had before leaving the United States with a woman who was “a leftwing secular, atheist Jew” and herself in a “polyamorous relationship” with her husband.

The Guardian cross-referenced metadata on the 2017 recording and contextual clues in the recording to identify the journalist Polignano spoke with as the freelance journalist Carol Schaeffer.

Points to Polignano for this (if true) as Schaeffer is hot Jewish chick, and this is something that Johnson clearly could not do, as he is a proud LGBTQ+ gay guy who would probably find a Jewish woman or indeed any woman repellent. 

Possible hate fuck


  1. Why not just place fake intel everywhere how every internet nazi ever fucked any jew journalist everywhere?

  2. You sound overemotional. This blog is not "everywhere", Polignano is not "every internet Nazi", Ms Schaeffer is not "any Jew journalist everywhere" and there is no evidence beyond Polignano's claim that any sex took place. I suggest you go and have a lie down until your pulse and breathing normalise.


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