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Sunday, July 16, 2023


RFK Jr., the chad chud

What the hell is Robert Kennedy junior playing at? Recently, he came out with some interesting comments on the origins of Covid. This is what he said:

"COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately. COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese. We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact."

He also warned that there were more terrible biological weapons in the pipeline with a "50% infection fatality rate" that would make COVID-19 look like a Sunday school picnic.

"We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons and we are developing ethnic bioweapons. They’re collecting Russian DNA. They’re collecting Chinese DNA so we can target people by race."

The mainstream media and the normie-sphere in general were quick to accuse him of fomenting "anti-Semitism," as if that's the only thing that actually matters in the world.

It doesn't.

To me, what this looks like, much more than America's navel-gazing obsession with "muh Jews," is a Russian-designed "paranoia map," something in which Jew have always played an important but extremely subservient role, in contradistinction to their supposed control of global elites.

Also, this is nothing new.

Russians have been using Christendom's semi-dormant hatred of the Jews for centuries to gin up narratives and fears that serve their agenda. In fact, a good case could be made that the reason Hitler offed a lot of Jews in the 1940s was because he was badly infected by bad White Russian memes in the early 1920s, like this one:

Also, it wasn't just the Whites. The Reds soon learned these tricks, and used them all the way through the Soviet era:

1972 illustration from a Soviet magazine

In the latest Russian paranoia maps that seem to be at work in the American collective subconsciousness (i.e. the Internet), a recent feature is to create a kind of synergy between anti-Semitic tropes and Sino-phobic ones.

This has a number of benefits. First of all, the old anti-Semitic tropes just generally look stale and jaded now. How much more exciting and paranoia-inducing to combine them with a fear of a new rising Superpower (China) instead of a failing one (Russia)!

The original purpose of Russian-pushed anti-Semitic memes was to create polarisation in Western societies, between Conservatives and Liberals and between the masses and the elites, as there would always be significant trace elements of Jewry in Western liberal elites that could then be used to "other" them. So, the whole thing made sense, whether in Tsarist or Communist times.

Later, after the Soviet Union collapsed due to shaky oil prices, it also made sense for an oil-producing country like Russia to create dissension between the West and the Islamic/OPEC world, all the better to create an oil-producing cartel effect, something that Russia has had noticeable success in, despite its many other geopolitical failures.

But right now, Russia's main fear is that it is the bad guy and will be widely seen as such. Well, that's because it is the bad guy, having graduated from poisoning the occasional individual with polonium to outright invasion of a large neighbouring country.

Polonium in Londinium

The longer the war goes on, the more hatred Russia is likely to draw on itself. What the Kremlin needs to do, therefore,  is to find another fall guy for the world's hatred, fear, and paranoia. This is where China comes in on the hate map.

But China, despite its many human rights failings, is still not seen as the bad guy enough. This fresh meme needs to be spiced up with some of the old, classic J paranoia to make it world and seem close at hand.

So, RFK Jnr. linking the two is perfect.

It's not clear where RFK Jnr. got this Covid theory from, or whether he's a witting or unwitting tool. It's perfectly reasonable to suspect, as I do, that he is "compromised" in some way. As a Kennedy and a man of weak character, he is just the sort of person that the Russians would attempt to target in some sort of blackmail operation.

But, that question aside, he is helping to boost an "architecture of conspiracy" that seems ostensibly designed to shunt Conservative, small government, and Right-wing Americans towards the country's long suppressed isolationist tendencies, or at least to give Russia a break.

None of this is to say that RFK Jr. is even factually wrong about anything he is saying. It is highly probable that China, like most big military powers, is developing nasty biological weapons, and that these may take into account human DNA and racial differences. It just seems highly unlikely that Ashkenazi Jews, heavily mixed into the White race, would be, or could be, granted exemption by the Fu Man Chus in their Wuhan laboratories.


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 


  1. Degenerate Jack Donovan has spoken highly of RFK. Perhaps he has a crush on him.

  2. The soviets weren't anti-semitic or racist,it was punishable by the death penality In The USSR.
    some of them were however,anti-zionist (against israeli racism/nationalism)
    lenin's speech against anti-semitism:
    A example of soviet anti-zionist propaganda:
    Some examples soviet anti-racist and anti-fascist propagandas:
    from what i have heard too, lenin and communist east germany decriminalized homosexuality.

    Also What's your opinion on this article?

    1. The Soviets were imperialists, which meant they tended to avoid blatant nationalism/ anti-Semitism, etc., but they were clearly sub-racist in many ways. The efficiency with which Jews were pushed out of their formerly prominent position in the Communist Party is proof of that. They were also quite happy to use anti-Semitic tropes of "evil capitalists" and "secret Jewish power" for geopolitical purposes. Essentially most of their positions over the years only make sense when viewed through the lens of maximising Kremlin power.

  3. Also in case you don't know the difference:

    Anti semitic = hostility towards the jewish people.

    Anti zionist = opposing the state of israel for left wing reasons like the racism and nationalism in israel.


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