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Sunday, July 2, 2023


1. Nick is pro-Hitler. This is one of his most outspoken and well known opinions, and I'm going to discuss it first.

Adolf Hitler was not in any way beneficial to the people of Europe as a whole. According to R.J. Rummel, the Nazi regime killed somewhere between 15 and 31.6 million people, almost all of them were no doubt Europeans.

Nick has openly denied the Holocaust of six million Jews, but there is already enough evidence for its existence that would make this far too long than it needs to be, so I won't discuss it here. 

Contrary to the "White ethnostate" that so many members of the Alt-Right believe in, Nazi Germany actually prioritized people of Aryan - particularly Germanic - descent over many European races, such as the Slavs. Nazi Germany had a program called Generalplan Ost which detailed the plans to exterminate millions of Slavs, including the Polish people as a whole, forcing the more able-bodied Slavs into a state of perpetual slave labour.

Hitler hoped that the very existence of the Slavs as a distinct people would disappear, and that the fertile lands of Eastern Europe would be colonized by ethnic Germans. The poster below is a Nazi propaganda poster detailing plans for colonization.

When the Nazis massacred 340 men, women and children in the Czech village of Lidice on 10 June 1942, they had the massacre openly announced to the whole world, openly justifying the extermination of so-called "subhumans." This is hardly what I'd call "pro-European" behaviour.

A similar event occurred in Ouradour-sur-Glane, a village in southwest-central France. 843 civilians that the Germans themselves considered to be "Aryan" were shot to death or burned alive by the Waffen-SS. Many of them were killed as they hid inside a church. Again, hardly "pro-White."

There is also the Sant'Anna di Stazzema massacre in Tuscany, Italy. The Nazis gathered hundreds of people into barns and either fired machine guns or threw in grenades. 560 people including 130 children were murdered. 

Was this pro-White too!?!?

2. Nick is pro-Stalin. Here he openly defends the Holodomor, a man-made famine created by the USSR to genocide the Ukrainian people and says that the figures were "overstated"

3. Nick is pro-Putin. He supports Putin's invasion of the Ukraine, which put the entire European continent in mortal danger and has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousand of people, again, virtually all the White people Fuentes thinks he loves so much.

Fuentes has said that there are "no extensive civilian casualties" during Russia's invasion which he said would "liberate Ukraine" On the contrary at least 100,000 Ukrainians have died, including, God knows, how many civilians.

He called Putin "brilliant," but, frankly speaking, his military strategy is very incompetent

I'd like to note that Putin is close allies with his lackey in Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. Imagine if Osama Bin Laden was appointed Governor of a French province

4. His whole view of history is basically that everything has been controlled by the Jews. Here he is saying that the Glorious Revolution was invented by Dutch Jewry 🤡

Once you consider how his worldview is structured he becomes a lot less reliable as a source of information. 

5. His whole "America First" ideology is really an ideology of "America only" and doesn't seem to care for Whites outside of the USA, as I've explained above.

So, in conclusion, if you're a right-wing nationalist in the West, then you should not throw your lot in with the groypers. If you still agree with Fuentes' position after all this, then you are not a nationalist.

Originally published as a Twitter thread. Some minor edits have been made.
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