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Monday, September 9, 2024


Eye diarrhoea?

Ryan Dawson, aka "Lying Dawson," is a dead-eyed, eternally online presence who leads a zombie-like existence on social media.

His eye sockets have a kind of "brown eye" penumbra more evocative of cloacal orifices than the ocular variety. He is thus well-suited to serve as a classic example of what I refer to as "the Human Sewer," i.e. permanently on-line scumbags who serve as a pipeline for all the fake news, memes, conspiracy theories, and targeted talking points that spew from the endless hamster wheel of Russian propaganda. 

While industriously tweeting, vlogging, and streaming, such operators, of whom there are now many, manage to add almost nothing of their own to "their" content, and serve mainly a narrative-boosting function. 

Over the years, Dawson has been described as "anti-Semitic," "anti-Neocon," or even "Pro-Palestinian," but all of this is entirely irrelevant to what he really is. He is merely a conduit for any kind of anti-Western garbage that the controllers of the Kremlin sewage farm decide to pour into the internet on any given day. He is only "right wing" in the sense that online Nazis will share his anti-Jewish stuff. 

His main motivation seems to be the simulacrum of fame (or notoriety) that one gets from being hyper-boosted by Kremlin bots and fellow shills, combined with various financial grifts. In 2024 he "let slip" that he was actually in the pay of accused "rapist" and "child trafficker" Andrew Tate.

He is apparently "quasi-white," with heavy native American admixture, and was married to an East Asian woman in Japan but now lives in Korea.


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).

1 comment:

  1. Dawson is typical of a lot of young online jew obsessives. They act as if "fighting the jew" is a brave and novel stance, totally outside the mainstream - even avant-garde. Their audience of pubescent groypers and teenage channers are so politically cut off, terminally online and oblivious that they are unaware of the lockstep anti-Israelism of the left which came to a climax post-Gulf War.


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