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Sunday, September 1, 2024


AfD strengthening its iron grip on German voters with memes like this

Anti-Immigration is fast becoming an across-the-board political preference in much of Europe. The latest example is Germany, where the Left-wing coalition of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is starting to back-track on its insane pro-immigration policies. This follows a total drubbing at the hands of Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) in German regional elections.

In state parliament elections in Thuringia and Saxony, the anti-immigration AfD became the biggest party and the second biggest, with 32.8% and 30.6% respectively. The only party challenging them was the Centre-Right CDU, with 23.6% and 31.9%. Meanwhile the parties in the Leftist coalition ruling Germany (Social Democratic Party, Greens, & Free Democratic Party) scored below 15% in total in both states. 

Now, in a desperate attempt not to have its arse-cheeks blistered even more, the ramshackle ruling coalition says it wants to cut all payments to asylum seekers arriving from fellow EU states, which is practically all of them, and also deport refugees convicted of crimes.

The measures were announced in the wake of polls showing the coming victories of the AfD.

As the Daily Telegraph reported: 

"The 'tough measures' announced by interior minister Nancy Faeser on Thursday (29th Aug) aim to slash benefits for people who have no right to be in Germany. 'Nobody will starve or sleep in the streets,' Faeser clarified, but further support would be cut 'to absolutely nothing. Just the deportation.'"

This is quite a change in tone from when the coalition took power in 2021. Then they promised "accelerated routes to citizenship" and other measures in a "paradigm shift" in immigration and asylum policy. 

A flight deporting 28 convicted criminals to Afghanistan, including a man who raped an 11-year-old girl and another who participated in the gang rape of a 14-year-old girl, is also scheduled to take off on this Friday (6th Sept).

For the moment there is no intention to turn people away at the border or deport non-criminal refugees, due to various legal complications, but if the ruling coalition don't hurry up and adopt those policies as well, then they will just be imposed anyway by a different government, one probably led by the AfD. 

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