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Sunday, August 28, 2022


Andy with his talking pillow

Andy Nowicki's ongoing mental breakdown entered a new phase recently when the bald-headed YouTube star launched a "shameless" attack on a former comrade.

Nowicki, who has suffered from increasingly debilitating symptoms of mental illness since his wife divorced him some years ago, crudely misrepresented the ideas of his former comrade in a desperate attempt to gain views for his beleaguered YouTube channel. 

In the 20-minute rant, Nowicki denounced his former colleague's opposition to Putin's invasion of the Ukraine, claiming that Putin was a Christian Saint who "eats Nazis for breakfast," and that the war in the Ukraine only continues because the Ukrainians are too cowardly to surrender. This is a brilliant argument often made by certified lunatics in the Alt-Right.

He also claimed that his former comrade was a highly-paid operative for British intelligence, a bit like James Bond, only better looking.

This strange and mystifying outburst by Nowicki follows other wild allegations by the former college professor that children have been "raped by pizzas" controlled by "evil lizard people who rule the world" and that "they" move South America around without telling anyone. 


  1. I had no idea that Mr N had suffered such a grave personal tragedy nor was I aware of his differences with this website and it’s creator. This is most disheartening. I will try to contact him and endeavor to help.

  2. OK. Now I am officially done with "the dissident right" and the afterbirth potruding from the fanny of the long dead alt right. This is embarrassing. My teen years wasted on a bunch of losers who have played LARPing Intellectuals and philosophers-in-waiting on Pseuds Corner style blogs, acting like Trump was reading every post. No wonder this all went nowhere and crashed and burned. The catty drama, mostly between homosexuals, was the most entertaining part.

    If you are young, dumb, and like me when I was my teens, my advice is to detach yourself from this tripe. Read but not these blogs or websites like Unz or CounterCurrents. I've been wasting my leisure time with this tripe since I was in secondary school (well past a decade now) and I can count the worthwhile essays on one hand. These won't change or develop your mind, you have already decided your own opinions.

    Most of these figures usually don't have a good relationship with Daddy hence why they are such fucking losers. The internet is the screen protector aganist the ugly reality of these people. The self they project on blogs and social media is a con. Meet them in reality and you'll realise how pathetic they are. We all do it now and this -movement' has been the first to do it well. I don't know who is a fed or not, it doesn’t matter, they all suck.

    1. You are being harsh. Some people, whatever their limitations, were sincerely trying to address serious problems which, in the future, will only get more serious without an effective critique.

  3. Andy always struck me as one of the few "good eggs" hanging around the dissident sphere in terms of character. I don't think he's "trying to get views;" all of this seems like the distorted thinking of severe depression. Hopefully he can get pull out of it, he has "learned to love despair" rather too much for a Catholic.

    1. The article is meant to be a gentle satire. I didn't want to take Andy's rather naïve attacks on me seriously.

    2. Fair enough. I remember when the Alt Right was just you, Nowicki and Spencer balancing one another out rather nicely. Catholic, Nietzschean, Anglo Realist/Skeptic/Contrarian. Ah well, we all know what happened to blow that up. Nowicki seems like a casualty of the Alt Right brand being rendered so toxic it messed up the life of anyone normal involved who didn’t have a unique escape hatch. Why he still identifies as an “Alt Right Novelist” is beyond me, seems like a desire to go down with the ship when the captain bailed a long time ago.


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