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Monday, August 22, 2022


History Debunked (Simon Webb) schools the Nazi idiots who claim that gas chambers are fake because some of them had wooden doors. 


  1. Holocaust denial was always idiotic. Instead one should ask why almost all of europe participated in it and why nobody liked the jews in a way that lead to these events. I reject any reverse victimology "they lie about us, its a blood lible" bullshit.

    1. Let's not get carried away and blame everyone in Europe all the time. The Holocaust was mainly the Germans X the chaos and extreme pressures of a particularly nasty war. Jews have lived in harmony with their fellow Europeans more often than not.

    2. Among all the suspects who could pull of a move like industrial liquidation of jews before the events that occured, the germans were rather low on the list.
      In fact during the 1930s there was more migration of jews from eastern europe into germany than the other way around. During the first world war it was the russians who persecuted the jews because they accused them, not without reason, to be spies for austro-hungary. When the german government annexed austria in 1939 all the anti-jewish messures, that took the nazi government years to establish in germany, happend over night.
      And the german ambassador to france during the occupation Otto Abetz wrote to Berlin, that because of the eastern european migration of jews since decades, any sort of anti-jewish propaganda for occupied france seems unnecessary and the population and police cooperate willingly in the deporture of jews. Curiously the governments that opposed the deportation of their jewish population were monarchies, like belgium, denmark, hungary and italy.

  2. It's so based in fact that it's illegal to question.

    1. Funny how the countries that have banned challenging the holocaust narrative are the ones with healthy nationalist movements.

  3. The "wooden doors" trope was not about Sobibor and Belzec. It came about back in the 80s when a number of people visited Auschwitz-Birkenau and saw that the (rebuilt) "gas chambers" could never have functioned as killing machines.

    1. That's where it originated, but now is used to deny the holocaust even in Sobibor and Belzec. Wooden doors would be quite sufficient to keep malnourished victims in a gas chamber.

      Here is the text that History Debunked is referencing:

      "On the following day, we drove to Belzec. A small special railroad station had been constructed for this purpose on a hill straight north of the country road Lublin–Lemberg (Lvov) on the left corner of the demarcation line. To the south of the road, there were a few houses bearing the inscription Sonderkommando Belzec der Waffen-SS. As the actual commandant of the entire killing center, Polizeihauptmann Wirth, had not yet arrived, Globocnek introduced me to SS-Hauptsturmführer Obermeyer (from Pirmasens).That afternoon, he only let me see what he really had to show me. I did not see any dead bodies that day, but the whole area smelled like pestilence in the hot August weather and there were millions of flies milling about.– Right near the small, two-track railroad station, there was a large barrack, the so-called cloak room, with a large counter for valuables. It was followed by
      a room with about 100 chairs, the haircutting room. Then came a small avenue lined by birch trees with double barbed wire fences on the left and right bearing the inscriptions: To the inhalation and bathing rooms! – There was a kind of bath house with geraniums in front of us, then a small set of stairs and then 3 rooms to the right and to the left measuring 5x5 meters,47 1.90 meters high, outfitted with wooden doors like garages. On the back wall, almost invisible in the dark, there were large wooden ramp doors. As a “fitting little joke,” there was a Star of David on the roof!! – An inscription in front of the building read: Heckenholt-Foundation! – I was not able to see anything else that afternoon."


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