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Tuesday, December 20, 2022


Twitter CEO-Supremo-for-Life Elon Musk has banned the top antifa account on Twitter "It's Going Down News" (@IGD_News) which had over 100,000 followers, many of them hysterical and deranged nutjobs, who were quite willing to commit acts of random violence against people they subjectively decided were the "Next Hitler."

Speaking of the "Next Hitler," this was how many of them saw Elon Musk himself, which kinda, sorta explains why he might have shut them down. 

According to anti-Antifa journalist Andy Ngo, "It's Going Down News" was a literal terrorist account, involved with promoting actual acts of terrorism, like derailing trains. 
Leftists are outraged by this ban, and have been claiming that it is the final proof that Musk is actually a secret Nazi.

They also point out that he has allowed Andrew Anglin of Daily Stormer notoriety back onto the platform, although there are doubts that this is the real Andrew Anglin. One theory is that Anglin has in fact been bumped off by his Kremlin handlers, with the account instead being operated by low-ranking FSB operatives doing on-the-job disinfo training. 
Oddly this take has been liked and endorsed by the Anglin account itself (check likes):
The low standard and unfunny quality of the tweets emanating from the fake Anglin account suggest that this theory is very much the truth.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like Anglin changed his appearance in his Twitter image. He is closing in on 40, unmarried and childless, and making an absolute fool of himself on Twitter. There is no coming back or redemption for the little guy. His family must live in a perpetual state of shame and embarrassment.


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