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Thursday, December 29, 2022


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Let's cut to the chase: Yockeyism is the tendency of some people, usually Neo-Nazis or edgytarians, to express an interest in, or agreement with, the ideas of Francis Parker Yockey, whether they have actually read them or not. Alt-Righters like Neema Parvini or Greg Johnston are typical examples of modern-day Yockeyists.

The key element of Yockeyism is this: Yockey's work is the first post-war rehash of pre-war Nazi ideology. It therefore exists as a kind of zombie incarnation, as if to say:

"Well, that was some war you waged to kill us off. In fact it was your best shot, but, ahem, we're still here and we're still walking around."

Yockeyism has many of the same characteristics as Nazism, but key to its appeal is that it is a rehashing, and therefore somewhat different from the original. 

In addition, something else that is very important to its appeal is its Americanness. Just like the Nazi zombie thing, this is essential. It says:

"Remember that particularly nasty, German thing that you had to cross the Atlantic to kill off in its bunker? Well, guess what, it has now crossed the Atlantic the other way and is now walking around in America."

How's that for doubling down?

These two aspects -- Nazi Zombie-ism and Transatlantic Nazism -- are the essential appeal of Yockeyism. It is effectively a pseudo-ideological bugbear or scarecrow, served up for intra-American purposes. Non-WASP Americans feeling ressentiment against their perceived failure to ascend in American society or WASP Americans feeling threatened by ascendant non-WASP minorities are susceptible to Yockeyism. 
But, in order to serve this purpose, Yockeyism can't just be Nazism. It has to have Yockeyist tendencies. If it was equivalent to Nazism it wouldn't exist. The Nazism is a vital ingredient, but so too is the rehashing or the remixing and the additional elements. To achieve this Yockey leaned heavily on Spenglerism, but the concoction he came up with had his own unique take. 

The best point from which to understand a system like Spengler's or Yockey's is to think of them as civilisational equivalents of the well-known Gaia Hypothesis, which is a non-provable pseudo-religious metaphor that posits the idea that all life is part of an unconscious superorganism with teleological characteristics.

Both Spengler and Yockey view civilisations in this way.

For Yockey there are eight high cultures in world history, each one a spiritual superorganism, lacking human consciousness in any meaningful way. The Yockeyist, of course, can present himself as a conscious expression of the civilisational "soul" of his people, but he has no power to control or steer it, as it is supposedly doing that by itself.

Yockey was extremely Eurocentric and saw Europe as the centre of Western civilisation, which he viewed as the key civilisation of his historical era. His opinions of that other part of the West, America, were extremely negative. Indeed, he reviled almost every major figure and political movement in American history with few exceptions.  One of these exceptions was Benjamin Franklin, but this was merely because he viewed him, erroneously, as a fellow Jew hater. 

According to Yockey, the Superorganism of the West is threatened by certain 'pathogens.' No prizes for guessing which group this is supposed to be, although he also thinks the characteristic Western qualities of materialism and rationalism are a danger.

At the most basic level, Yockey's opinions are code for American self-loathing, and this is the real psychological driver of his world view. 

In its genesis, Yockeyism is Yockey's own expression of the "cultural cringe" that the periphery of a civilisation feels towards its traditional cultural centres. But in its application by his followers, it is the zombie rebirth of the core content of Nazism. It is a disfigured phoenix rising from the ashes; the bad loser who refuses to admit his defeat and tries to keep playing the game that has ended.

As a tool for analysing, understanding, and influencing the flows of history, or as a critique on the Jews, it is totally useless. As a means of prediction, it is even worse than useless. 
But as a salve for the bruised egos of the resentful or as a device for "gnostic posturing" for the  ignorant or lazy it has its uses. 


  1. he was right.

    American liberalism is in the long term more damaging than communism

    U.S as a colonial country on the periphery is cultural inferior to Europe.

    The key of a european rennaisance is getting rid of american influence and making an alliance with Russia,which mean that eastern europe should be partitioned again in a new molotov- ribbentrop pact between Germany and Russia.

    1. I can't think of anything less guaranteed to kill off Liberalism than Yockey's nonsense. The article is right, Yockeyism is some sort of fantasy for ineffectual loser. Also, Russia is a third-rate country/civilisation except in its ability to troll and push retarded memes on the internet.

    2. America and Britain are garbage dumps these days compared to Russia, whatever its problems.

    3. A police state that might conscript you at any moment to become hamburger meat sounds like a paradise.

  2. Yockeyists will believe that in 1941, and continuing until at least 1945, the USSR was controlled by a conspiracy of Jews and tacitly supported by the civilian Jewish populations in Eastern Europe, yet by the early 50s it was anti-semitic and the world's greatest bulwark against "International Jewry". Obviously, if a regime can go from Jew-controlled to Nazi-approved in a five year period, it was never Jew-controlled in the first place, but this is lost on these morons.


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