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Friday, December 16, 2022


Richard Spencer, the world's premier concoctor of edgy takes, has hit gold dust again with his latest, intensely wrought piece of meta-analysis on the Kanye West controversy. 

Here is Spencer in his own words, reacting to Kanye's appearance on the Alex Jones show while claiming to be a devout Christian: 

"I would say that Christianity is, like, done for the next 500 years after this kind of stuff. Anyone with intelligence and sophistication and education is going to run so far from this thing." 

Essentially, Kanye West has finished off Christianity, according to Spencer.

Simply by wearing a gimp mask, going on Alex Jones, and saying that he loves everybody, including Hitler, because he is a Christian, he has discredited this 2000-year-old global religion and brought it to an untimely end. 

Richard Spencer: "Christianity is done."

If you take Christianity seriously, like billions of sincere believers around the World and hundreds of "Trad Catholics" who converted more recently after watching one or two videos on YouTube, then there can only be one name for the person who causes the downfall of Christianity: that is the "Anti-Christ"!!!

Yes, Spencer has linked Kanye West to W.B. Yeat's "rough beast" that "slouches towards Bethlehem to be born" in his poem "The Second Coming."

Of course, Spencer is a completely unbiased analyst of such matters with zero vested interests of his own.


  1. Spencer and the majority of other homosexuals hate Christians and Christianity because if calls out homosexuality as a sin and states that they will burn in hell for eternity.

  2. Spencer is a professional fraud! He is likely a marxist of sorts and a radical egalitarian universalist. He might even be a christian (funny if true). Probably not an evangelical or any sort of calvinist, but some sort of liberal type (episcopalian in background he says himself) with a touch of catholic liberation theology (a liberal roman catholic?). Perhaps some kind of heretical unitarian universalist strand. His obvious wallowing in anti-christian retardation gives him away. He plays the crook.


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