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Saturday, December 10, 2022


by Brad Griffin

This is how it always ends.

Every incarnation of the White Nationalist movement eventually reaches its final position: sieg heiling with the bros on a street corner in Illinois, holding a solemn candlelight service around the tomb of Hitler, nostalgia for the Third Reich, crypt keepers defending the memory of Nazi Germany and so on. Eventually, a kind of weariness sets in with present day politics and some people retreat to live in the past where they become enamored with the fantasy that the past can become the present.

I’m not sure how many of you remember Bill White and Von Bluvens. When I first discovered the White Nationalist movement in the early 2000s, it was toward the end of the WN 1.0 era. The National Alliance was still around and was about to implode after the death of Dr. William Pierce. Aryan Nations was still around. The NSM was holding street rallies. Hal Turner was still around. Craig Cobb was still around. Harold Covington and the Northwest Front were still around. Glenn Miller had recently gotten out of prison. Stormfront and VNN Forum were the epicenter of the movement. Billy Roper and White Revolution led a large march on Washington in 2002. There were about 300 people with swastika flags. To an outsider, it seemed like most White Nationalists were busy trying to pump air into the tires of the Third Reich and Americans were just not buying it and the movement needed to chart a more palatable course.

This was all in the wake of David Duke and Pat Buchanan’s presidential campaigns in the late 1980s and 1990s. Sam Francis was still alive and was publishing his articles at VDARE and the Citizens Informer. I was still too young to remember the mainstreaming phase of the movement in the 1980s and 1990s. I later read about people like Willis Carto, Liberty Lobby and the Populist Party. I came across the movement in the wake of all that in the 2000s. The whole scene had recently shifted online to the vBulletin forum. Stormfront spawned an archipelago of forums and later blogs around the mid-2000s.

I remember thinking to myself at the time watching all this as an anonymous internet poster … why are these people doing this? It makes more sense now after the collapse of the Alt-Right in the wake of Charlottesville and this recent turn of events with Nick Fuentes and America First. This is another negative, downward, contracting phase like WN 1.0 from 2002 to 2008 or the Alt-Right after 2017. The swastikas come out and “optics” are shelved when people get disillusioned with mainstream politics.

WN 1.0

Big Von and Bill White doing their best impression of the Black Panthers.

WN 2.0

Commander Heimbach at Charlottesville and Michigan State.

America First

Fuentes wearing his black jacket at an anti-vax street rally.I see various people in our comment section asking why I don’t criticize Boomers.

The answer is that I came across the White Nationalist movement in my youth. This was over twenty years ago. I’m a middle aged Xennial dad now. I just turned 42-years-old. I wasn’t born yesterday and have seen a lot of shifts in strategy and tactics in the movement in my time.

When I was in my twenties, there were Baby Boomers and Gen Xers around who were saying and doing the exact same retarded things for which the Alt-Right later became famous. America First is now going the way of the Alt-Right which went the way of WN 1.0 before it which went the way of George Lincoln Rockwell’s original American Nazi party. GLR was born in 1918 and was Greatest Generation. There were people around before GLR who were in love with Hitler and who were trying to bring that to America going all the way back to the German American Bund, the Silver Shirts and Francis Parker Yockey.

This isn’t something that Baby Boomers do.

It is not something that Gen X skinheads or Alt-Right Millennials or Gen Z America Firsters do. If you believe that, you have the memory of a goldfish.

Nothing ever really changes. The history of the White Nationalist movement is an endless cycle of rebrands, attempts to go mainstream, disillusionment and returns to vanguardism, followed by rebrands and renewed attempts to go mainstream. “White Nationalism” itself was a rebrand in the 1980s from an earlier explicit Neo-Nazi phase in the 1960s and 1970s that grew out of GLR’s American Nazi Party. “Alt-Right” was a rebrand of White Nationalism from the image of the scene in the early 2000s. “America First” was a rebrand of the Alt-Right after its image became too associated with Neo-Nazism.

The sole novelty of America First is that it is gender fluid and multiracial. I’m pretty sure that this is the first time that any incarnation of the movement has ever tried to rally around a bipolar black rapper. Previous generations of Neo-Nazis had higher standards and would not have approved of this!

Note: What would Dr. Pierce think of Fuentes and Yedolf?

Also published at Occidental Dissident

1 comment:

  1. This is a good article. Matthew Heimbach is a degenerate piece of garbage. He is an obese slob, a grifter and a adulterer that posed as a devout Christian. He is on the level of a Richard Spencer or David Duke. These people truly are the scum of the Earth.


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