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Sunday, December 11, 2022



Due to Feds, foreign actors, and the high proportion of sub-masculines, it should be clear by now that uniting the Dissident Right is about as easy as herding cats in a thunderstorm. So, it is no surprise to hear that Alt-Hype (aka Ryan Faulk) has decided to break with Nick Fuentes's Cozy TV project. 

Apparently the decision to leave was Faulk's own.

He tweeted on the Alt-Hype Twitter account:

Faulk, who freely admits he is gay, autistic, and 1/16th Black, was a prominent member of the TRS group but broke from them in 2018, when they became too "bad optics" Nazitard.

He produces heavily-researched, academic-sounding, number-crunching videos on controversial subjects. By hosting them on Cosy TV, Fuentes was apparently endeavouring to add intellectual depth to his meme-driven project. Now, that doughty mantle will have to be assumed by the likes of Bibble, Baked Alaska, Joe the Boomer, and the other regulars on Cozy TV.

The reason for the break is still unclear, although there are allegations and rumours that Faulk was being harassed by Groypers after disrespecting Fuentes in some way. But trust me, it's much more likely to be just a stupid, catty gay/sub-masculine thing.

Or maybe they fell down a timewarp to 2018...


  1. I didn’t know that this guy is a sodomite, that’s news to me. Anglin had an article praising this guy’s show, beaming with accolades. Now knowing about his sexuality, it makes sense that Andrew was essentially salivating over him.

  2. Being stuck in a lift with Ryan would be awesome. Being stuck in a lift with Nick would be fatal.


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