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Tuesday, February 28, 2023


  1. The last stage of white imperialism: The universal-rights tolerance state!

    Prime examples: US, EU, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Russian Federation.

    (Russian Federation, really? With hardcore traditionalist ortho-bro Putin at the steering wheel?
    Oh yes, trad supermale Putin is handing over core parts of russian heartland to turk and caucasoid muslims! Putting fellow russians in the NATO-ukranian meatgrinder only to give away Moscow, etc. scot-free to swarming islamo-asian hordes.)

    Post-imperial, post-white, post-tolerance societies surfing the flushwater into the deep sewer:
    South Africa, Zimbabwe and Brazil (Sure, Brazil sort of keeps the euro-facade with white presidents, but still, it counts)

    Lands peopled by the brown man who succesfully resisted whitey demographically and went back to brown tradlife after whitey went home over the sea, tail between legs:

    - Mexico (right back into that ol proud cartel-aztec thang)

    - Algeria/Syria (decades of infighting between shameless-decadent-atheist-modernist-France-emulators and the tradlife good-ol-henna-bearded-camel-riding-6-years-old-girls-loving-sharia-boys eager to perform the yuga a backflip into eternal prophet-time)

    That highminded burden really turned out to be one cheesy tumor in the ass, did it not, white man?

    "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
    Said one scruffy long haired jew, who is best forgotten and replaced by neo-pagan asshattery.


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