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Thursday, May 9, 2024


Stephen J James takes aim at the lazy (or knowingly disingenuous) Dissident Right analysis that the UK Conservative Party is the same as the Labour Party, namely a "Culturally Marxist" globohomo party of "Great Replacement" mass immigration "for reasons." Instead he makes the case that for most of its time in government for the last 14 years its hands have been tied by coalition partners, razor thin majorities, and "Black Swan" events like Brexit and Covid.


  1. While this is somewhat true, it’s also true that Cameronite conservatism was nothing more than a slightly bluish tinged extension of New Labour. If nothing else, the further demographic transformation of the UK during the last 14 years is enough reason to condemn the Tories to historic defeat. The argument that they had sound political reasons for doing this doesn’t make it any less damning.

  2. All the mainstream parties have the same implict values that they take as axiomatic regardless if they consciously understand that or not. There doesn't really need to be any big conspiracy. If you believe that heiarcy is a natural formation as supposedly the dis/far/ whatever right claims to believe, then it should be obvious that all these unimaginative and unthinking people naturally fall in line with the order of rank.

    Rejecting egalitarianism, diversity and multiculturalism out right would be a start, but not even the smaller parties do this implicitly.

    You get who you vote for, so in my view if you vote for parties who undermine you at every turn, more the fool you. You are just as responsible as the people you moan about, no one takes any accountability in their actions especially when it come to something as obfuscatory as democratic values.

    People never learn because they don't want toget their hands dirty.


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