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Friday, May 31, 2024


My view of the Trump case is simple, clear, and irrefutable. Almost everybody of a similar prominence and career complexity could, in theory, be strung up the way Trump has been.

To illustrate my point, nobody even knows how many laws there are in the United States. Just sticking to Federal laws, current estimates range anywhere from between 15,000 to 50,000 laws. And this is just at the Federal level. In fact, there are so many laws that you wouldn't even notice if you broke several hundred of them. There are also countless laws that you might see that would simply seem arcane, pointless, arbitrary, or somewhat ambiguous. It would only be natural to assume that most people ignore or "fudge" them, so why should you go out of your way to strictly adhere to them? This seems to be what happened in this case.

Anyway, the main point is there is always enough rope to hang anybody, and this is what the Deep State is doing in this case. I don't get any sense from any of this that Trump did anything actually wrong in a nasty criminal sense. This is not to say he isn't a dumb, arrogant shit magnet, as he clearly is. But that was never a problem until he got this close to power.

Of course, any Deep State hit like this will have plausible deniability. Yup, it's just a local prosecutor and a local jury sticking to the law, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the Biden administration, etc., etc.

Also, the trial seems to have been conducted along the proper lines, and Trump was allowed a proper defence, blah, blah, blah. That's all good and true, but we also know that if it were someone else, a word would have been whispered here, a string pulled there, and the case would have ended up inexplicably in the long grass. When the Deep State takes you down, there is usually no smoking gun, although there is often a pungent smell in the air, as there is here.

Now most people take an understandably dim view of the Deep State. In fact, this is quite a "normie" take these days. But the Deep State can also have a certain utility and justification.

In this case, you have to answer the question: "Why is the Deep State picking on "poor wittle" Donnie Trump?" The definition of mental mediocrity is not to see what you believe in one or two moves ahead. 
The Trumptards and the DR will answer the "Why Donald?" question with "muh Satanic forces" or the "muh evil J**s" etc.

"The Deep State" itself has become a term that is now used to conjure up adrenochrome-maxxing paedophiles! The effect of all this dumbfuckery is to cast Trump as some sort Christ-like paragon of virtue, holiness, and innocence. Is that the hill they really wish to die on?

"I propose that we're too dumb to understand America 
without gatekeeper media or the Deep State"

Instead, maybe there are very good reasons why the Deep State would want to take Donnie down. Whether you agree with these reasons or not, I believe they exist and have much to do with the main structural weakness of the United States as a political entity, and the way that Russia, in particular, was able to hack the system in order to promote its own agenda.

If you don't believe me on this, perhaps a good starting point is just to consider the way vital military aid to the Ukraine was delayed by Congress for over six months, mainly by what used to be the "hawkish" element in the US system.

There can be legitimate and illegitimate reasons for a Deep State to function. It is clear that Russia has been completely controlled by its own Deep State since at least the advent of Putin. This seems excessive to me, and the result -- half a million Russians killed or wounded in the Ukraine and the economy gutted and mortgaged to the Chinese -- bears this out. 

In the West, the Deep State characteristically operates in harmony and conjunction with the Democratic state, helping it to avoid the weaknesses and contradictions that democracy throws up with increasingly frequency.

In Britain, I believe we see the Deep State, in the person of Keir Starmer, taking a hand in gelding the Labour Party so that it can enter government without disrupting Britain's complex international security arrangements and the hard fountain of its soft and financial power. You might disagree with this agenda, but it is clearly a more proportionate use of Deep State power than what the out-of-control Russian Deep State is up to. 

In the West the Deep State exists because of what I call "over-democracy." This is simply the idea that stupid, selfish, low-IQ narrow-minded voters (increasingly subverted by outside forces) create an element of dysfunction in the system. The "good" Deep State attempts to correct and filter for this.

In the case of America, Trump was part of this phenomenon. At first he was pushed by the Kremlin, through weaponised social media, in order to merely cause turbulence and division in America's political system. To give Hillary a bump in the road, so to speak.

When Trump unexpectedly won, the op was expanded to turbo-charge America's isolationist tendencies, even as the American Deep State started to hit back (therein lies a story in itself). The end result of all this was the America First takeover of most of the Republican Party and thousands of under-armed Ukrainians dying.

Now, many people will agree with the premise of all this, namely that America should be isolationist and that Ukraine can go and hang. But, whether you like it or not, the USA has been the globalist hegemon since WWII. Without it, the international system that has underpinned unprecedented global prosperity and relative peace for over 70 years, would come undone.

This might be a good thing and it might not. My guess is it would be rather messy and create a world where the military sector would be around ten times what it is today, along with plummeting freedom and living standards. You could probably forget your foreign holidays and say hello to various forms of rationing. Again, that might not be entirely a bad thing, as freedom and rising living standards have a downside, but it is definitely not something America is culturally equipped for, and America would probably suffer more than most countries which can switch from "Babylonian" to "Spartan" with greater agility.

Regardless of these "what ifs" and global consequences, the true role of the Deep State is to focus on the broader nature of whichever state it inhabits, and defend what it sees as its longer-term interests. In some senses it is rather like a geopolitical Supreme Court. 

In the case of Britain, this meant getting rid of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn on trumped up anti-Semitism charges some years ago, and putting the Labour Party into a safe pair of hands.

In the case of America, the co-option and weaponisation of Trump and the America First movement by "outside actors" (mainly Russian but not just Russian) was a clear call to action by the US Deep State. Among all the pieces of rope lying around to hang him with, the most readily available was Stormy Daniels, the hush money she was paid, and the messy way it was entered into the accounts.

But even though Trump has been hamstrung in this way, he is not yet down and out. He can appeal, and the American electorate might be pushed and prompted to view him as a victim of lawfare, which he is.

But even if they can take down Trump, America has an accelerating problem with "over-democracy," the nation's dumb, low-IQ, parochial, narrow-minded and easily subverted voters, without any kind of responsible media to lead them, are an increasingly poor fit for the complex global economic and security role that America has to play.

My guess is that in the years ahead, the US Deep State is going to be working extremely hard, maybe even as hard as, if not harder than  the Russian Deep State.


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).

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