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Friday, May 17, 2024


Is Rishi trying to pull up the ladder after himself?

The British voter is, generally speaking, a moron who will probably vote for a Labour government at the next general election (or possibly a hung parliament), but if the Tories do surprise the pundits and manage to pull victory from the jaws of defeat, it will be because of some of the surprisingly "red meat" anti-immigrant stances of (checks notes) ...brown Tories. 

At first, it only seemed to be Suella Braverman who wanted to give the voters what they actually said they wanted, namely, a lot less immigration, even if it did create a few problems for the economy and the fake economy of the public sector.

Anti-immigrant sentiment among voters still underrepresented by UK governments

At the time, there was a tendency to dismiss Suella as a rather dim politician who was naively channelling the "fears and concerns" of the doddery, old, Tory, gammon, blue rinse brigade, who yearned for the Whitopia of their 1950s youth. But, now, in the run up to the election, we are seeing even Rishi Sunak driving a lot of Enoch-Powell-like anti-immigration positions -- a bit of a bombshell in the world of conventional normie politics.

There is Rwanda, which still looks like a bad idea, but can be made to work with enough insane willpower and mad persistence. But there is also the massive hatchet job Rishi has done on foreign students bringing in dependents:


Video posted by Sunak on his Twitter (totally brutal)

Then there is the draconian anti-migrant law on foreign born spouses. 
In order for a British citizen to bring in their foreign husband or wife they need to be earning £38,700 a year. According to ChatGTP, only  about 11.8% of the total population in the UK earns that figure or above and most of them are probably middle aged.

No comparable White politician in the public eye is doing anything like this. Labour's Keir Starmer is working hard to create an illusion that he will be "tough" on the gangs bringing illegal migrants across the channel in rubber dinghies. But his "Border Security Command" will almost certainly just be an improved ferry service for those members of the Third World excited by the prospect of a Labour Britain. 

Sir Keir trying to target the racist boomer vote without imploding the Labour Party

No, if you want a modern day equivalent of Enoch Powell, there's only Suella and Rishi, those surprisingly brown figures who want to move heaven and earth (and refugee processing) to keep Britain mainly White.

It's all a little unsettling. Can they be relied upon? Are they sincere in their lets-play-fair-by-wishes-of-the-average-voter anti-immigrant positions?

In fact, is this a case of "ladderism," namely of the tendency of some people from migrant backgrounds to pull up the ladder after them, because they know that a Britain with too many of their own kind would be a lot less comfortable place, not just for the indigenous natives but for them too? 

As someone who lives in a foreign country, it's quite nice being a comparatively rare foreigner (at least as long as their are no pogroms going). The last thing you want is for the sweet deal you've got going to be ruined by a flood of your oikish fellow kin. That and the fact that you have, of course, internalised your own colonisation. 


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).

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