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Monday, September 4, 2023


Performative stupidity?

I think we can all agree that Laura Loomer is a pretty low IQ person, but this just makes her more typical of a lot of the idiots leading and following the American Right Wing and Dissident Right. 

Here is her reaction on Twitter (with nearly 2 million views!) to a flamboyant demonstration of Neo-Nazism that recently took place down in Florida involving a couple of groups called the "Goyim Defence League" and "Blood Tribe":

Kent "Boneface" McLellan was arrested by the FBI in Florida for domestic terrorism in May of 2012. The FBI said he and others were “preparing a terrorist act against national minorities in Florida.”

He then fled to Ukraine to join Right Sector (a creation of the CIA) in 2014. In 2022, he returned to Ukraine and was reportedly deported. Now he’s back in Florida where he’s active in the local Nazi scene. Yesterday he was on I-4 with a group of Nazis who were saying they support Joe Biden while they were waving swastika flags and shouting slurs at me because I am Jewish.

There is no way you get away with all of that after being arrested by the FBI for domestic terrorism, and there’s no way you get away with traveling to Ukraine to fight in a foreign war as an American Citizen defected mercenary unless you are some type of FBI or CIA informant.

This is the character she is referring to (possibly hailing a taxi to go to his next false flag operation): 

So what is Loomer really saying here?

Literally this:

Joe Biden feels that, thanks to the efforts of "wonderful" right wingers, like herself, support for the war in Ukraine is lagging, so he has got in touch with his friends in the CIA and asked them to kindly stage a display of swastika-waving Neo-Nazism and Jew hatred, including nasty insults to Ms. Loomer herself, in order to boost support among the general public for the war in the Ukraine.

That is the entire logic of Loomer's commentary and whole analysis of this "Neo-Nazi/Fed/whatever" operation.

This sort of view is not indeed atypical of many on the Right-wing in America, which seems to be undergoing an extreme collapse in its collective IQ as it heads into an election year.

There is an outside chance that Loomer knows all this to be as moronic as it sounds, and is just cynically doing this to manipulate morons, but I, at least, find her stupidity and that of her followers and fellow travellers totally convincing.

So, who is possibly behind the antics of the Goyim Defence League and Blood Tribe?

The most obvious and effortless explanation would be Russia. Not only do we have the rather glaring attempt to re-float the tired meme that the "Ukrainians are Nazis" here, but the Kremlin has a long track record of attempting to amplify any racial animosities and interfering in dissident movements in America, often in the most stupid and self-defeating ways, as we see in the history of the Alt-Right.

Although... by this point, so much stupidity has already been injected into the American metapolitical bloodstream (and not just by the Russians) that it has taken on a life of its own. 


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 


  1. “Bone face” appears to be a mentally ill degenerate piece of garbage. Odds are he is working for the FBI in an attempt to make pro White activists look foolish and crazy.

    1. So because hes mentally ill he has to work at the same time for the FBI as provocateur? What is it? Is it being provocative because of mental illness, or because hes an agitator rationalizing this as the best way to agitate?

    2. Remember to sign your comments with a name or sock name next time. Going to stop telling people soon.


All Comments MUST include a name (either real or sock). Also don't give us an easy excuse to ignore your brilliant comment by using "shitposty" language.
