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Friday, January 26, 2024


This time it's SERIOUS, really!

It looks like America is about to crumble and split into two warring factions, after the Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, decided to LARP like fuck as the leader of an independent country for a few days. 

The US Supreme Court has already told Abbot to behave himself, after Shelby Park in Eagle Pass became the site of a standoff between Texas state and federal law enforcement personnel over the use of razor wire.

Governor Abbot has decreed the use of the unfriendly wire to slow down illegal migrants pouring across the border, while the Biden administration opposes the move as inhumane and a cynical attempt to weaponize a "complex issue" in an election year. 

Abbot is almost certainly going to continue playing silly buggers with the federal government for a few more days, until the Supreme Court steps in again and hands down even more judgments, making it clear that border control is a federal issue, not a state issue, and that any disagreement over this can only be resolved by them. 

After that, this story will quickly die and drop from the news cycle, and people will forget all the empty rhetoric about a "second civil war" breaking out, as if it never happened, which it didn't and wouldn't.

Also, Trump is almost certainly going to jail and all the old emotional boomers who are threatening an armed insurrection and a civil war over that too, will simply waddle off and have a Slurpee or watch a bit of sportsball. 

Russian troll farm going hard as fuk


  1. Within the past day, 26 state governors have backed Texas, pointing out that state governments are not outposts of the federal government, and have the right to enforce laws even when the feds are actively flouting them. The remaining states are very divided and won’t offer a united front against Texas.

    1. Zarathushtra's EagleJanuary 27, 2024 at 8:01 AM

      You'd be surprised how quickly they close ranks when you're caught off guard as they'll pull every trick and then some to beat you with. Just one liberal in a red state is too many.

  2. you're right. the usa pausing lng export approvals because it gets hot outside in the summer is a bigger deal than this border stuff. also way, way funnier. when putin heard he laughed so hard he shit himself for real this time.

  3. From a Nationalist European perspective a civil war and the splitting up of America would be beneficial, obviously there would be others who would fill in the power vacuum of conquest for empire, and I understand Mr Liddell isn't that keen on Russia or its allies in China and the other hangers on ( I am not either) and the EU is obviously full of anti ethnic Europeans, overdosing on egalitarianism and self aggrandising moral superiority over their presumed unenlightened nationalist emninty, so they are as useful as a bag of wet farts from a nationalst perspective, as it would be more endless homogeneity towards their egalitarian utopia, but something has to break, there has to be something to negate globo homo, in a contrete sense not the vague populist bullsh*t that we are currently saturated with.


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