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Tuesday, January 2, 2024


Russia Today has got a floater

Glad to see that John Pilger has gone round the "Great U-Bend in the Sky," as he was a particularly shitty kind of journalist and vile human being, who obviously lived far too long. 

Not only was he a worthless human being, but, even worse, he was a crappy journalist, whose kak-handed reporting almost always grasped the wrong end of an extremely shitty stick. 

The obituary in The Times (not pay-walled because someone kindly archived it here) is particularly scathing and effective at highlighting how hard Pilger kissed the butts of scummy Communist dictators, while constantly crapping on the West which stupidly gave him such a soft and easy life:

"There was never a single example of Pilger praising a pro-western leader or government. Instead, it was dictators such as Fidel Castro of Cuba, Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Vladimir Putin of Russia or the communist rulers of Vietnam that were sympathetically portrayed."

As probably the most turd-like journalist of all time, he constantly decontextualised and distorted events to make the West look like the bad guy; for example, portraying America's support for South Vietnam as a war of "imperialist aggression" rather than the act of supporting a country that was being violently invaded by murderous thugs.

No surprise that he was following the same shit-stained playbook in the months before his death by sucking Putin's tiny cock and calling the Ukrainians "Nazis."

As a toxic, lying, leftie scumbag, he even tried to pass off Pol Pot's murderous Marxist regime in Cambodia as a "right wing" tyranny:

"Later, critics pointed out that Pilger had ignored the ­communist credentials of the Khmer Rouge, preferring to call Pol Pot, their leader, an 'Asian Hitler', and when a colleague spoke of communist Vietnam having invaded Cambodia, Pilger shouted in reply: 'No mate, it wasn’t an invasion, it was liberation — they liberated Cambodia!'"

Although a pathetic apologist for all Leftist dirtbags and psychos, Pilger's existence was also extremely bad -- and possibly even fatal -- for the Left because he made Leftists look like total shits and hypocrites: 

"By the early Seventies, he had ­acquired a taste for never travelling less than club class and sporting expensive designer shirts that were laundered at Jeeves of Belgravia. Whenever he was reporting on the iniquities of the Thai military and western capitalism in Thailand, he invariably stayed at the Mandarin Oriental, one of the grandest and most expensive hotels in Asia.

To further add to his “Bollinger Bolshevik” credentials, he also acquired a farmhouse in Tuscany, where an ­architect created a conversation pit, which he decorated with photographs of himself in the company of assorted freedom fighters, anti-imperialists and left-wing dictators."

Yes, it is literally impossible to imagine a bigger, stinkier piece of human excrement than this 'Bondi cigar.' I just hope he doesn't block up the celestial shitter that exists to flush turds like him into the deep, outer darkness.

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