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Sunday, October 8, 2023


At the height of the Alt-Right, when it was being turbo-charged by Russian bot ops and other methods, at one end, Frame Game Radio seemed like one of the saner voices at the other end.

Now it seems, by his own admission, that he was just a counter op to some of the other ops out there, and yet more proof that the supposedly "organic dissident-sphere" in the West is a highly contested arena, fought over by various insincere but well-funded state-backed groups and other sinister entities.

Following his doxxing, as Michael Benz, "a former Trump State Department official whose work has been cited in congressional hearings," Frame Games 'explained' that actually he was part of a highly-organised Jewish group that entered the Alt-Right idea-space with a clear agenda of artificially distorting it in a less anti-Semitic direction. 

As Benz tweeted:

The account in question was a project by Jews to get people who hated Jews to stop hating Jews. It was a deradicalization project, and it produced deradicalization material. It made contact with groups in the early primordial soup of the MAGA movement in 2016 and sought to move people from a place of hate and division closer to a place of love and unity.

It is not yet known if Benz's group was put together by Mossad, the ADL, the SPLC, or some other as-yet unknown Jewish or Israeli group, concerned about the rise of the Alt-Right.

Benz also claims that the project was "successful," even though levels of anti-Semitism on the internet have never been higher, and the fact that admitting to organised Jewish subversion like this is only likely to lead to yet greater anti-Semitic paranoia.

And it was successful. The biggest fans of this account, which was deleted around six years ago and to which I only contributed in a very limited manner, were fellow Jews who saw how effective it was at building a bridge and winning over hearts of people who held anti-Semitic beliefs, and non-Jews who would write in to say, “I’m so glad I found this account, I used to have a lot of hate and heaviness in my heart towards Jewish people, but since I discovered you, I don’t feel that anymore.”

Whatever one thinks of anti-Semitism (and for the record I think it is a grossly erroneous analysis of the West's problems), this is not about anti-Semitism. It is more about how polluted the Dissident idea-space is by insincere actors like Benz who constantly come in to subvert it with preconceived agendas (and, in the process, often make things worse). 

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