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Monday, October 2, 2023


America is a disgusting mess of a country, and, even worse, every aspect of this vile spectacle is hooked up to cameras and the internet. This means that anyone who is interested in such content can 'algorithm him-or-herself' into being constantly force fed it. 

But none of this means too much in the big picture.   

Looked at in macro terms, America's former domination of the the global economy (and the globe) has been remarkably robust, sliding down from an unnatural high of 40% of the global economic pie in 1960, and then fluctuating between a third and a quarter (see graph above). Add in key allies and it gets even better. 

As for challengers, there really aren't any. China can't even get regional dominance in its own backyard, while America still maintains global dominance where and when it needs it. And while the US economy was ten times larger than China's in 1960 and is now just one-and-a-half times bigger, that was completely the result of the Chimerica phenomenon and the West's decision in the 1990s to embrace a totalitarian and potentially hostile Communist dictatorship as if it was a cuddly social democracy on a par with Sweden.

The much more recent collective Western decision to move away from that model means that China is now hitting a ceiling, while the sacrifices they made on their end for economic ascendancy -- like destroying their demographics -- are about to bite them hard in the ass.

Of course, America's demographics are a mess, but only from the point of those who prize "racial purity", which has always been a chimera for America anyway. 

America's other rival, Russia, meanwhile is a joke. Putin has made his "big power play," placing all his political, economic, social, and moral capital on the success of his invasion of the Ukraine, and exacting massive costs on the Russian people in the process, only to get bogged down in a unwinnable war and an economic nightmare. 

The high costs of this failed op are already in the pipeline, and the months ahead will probably see Russia shaken to its core. 

So, looking ahead, America will continue to be the main player in the world, maintaining its often unsightly domination of the global stage. Its enemies and rivals will remain incapable of eclipsing it, and the main threat to its pre-eminence will come from within.

This is why America's rivals and their shills make such massive efforts to get Americans quarrelling with each other, rather than choosing to take them on directly.

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