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Saturday, October 7, 2023


It looks like there is a massive beta uprising underway by Gazan Palestinians, with attacks on neighbouring Israelis, involving random violence and assaults against Israeli women

As reported by the BBC:

At least 40 people have been killed in Israel after a major surprise attack with militants crossing into Israel from Gaza during heavy rocket fire.

Several Israelis have reportedly been taken back to Gaza as hostages.

Israel has responded with a wave of air strikes on targets in Gaza killing 161 people, Palestinian officials say.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel is "at war" and vowed that Hamas, Gaza's rulers, will "pay a price it has never known".

"This morning Hamas launched a murderous surprise attack against the state of Israel and its citizens," he said in a video address.

This is one of the most serious escalations in the Israel-Palestinian conflict in years.

The attack by Palestinian militant group Hamas saw fighters cross the perimeter fence just after dawn. At the same time, barrages of rockets were launched from Gaza - some reaching as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

As you can see, mainstream media is struggling to describe this outbreak with its hackneyed and cliched terminology, referring to "radicals," "terrorism," and the need for a "substantive peace process in the occupied territories, blah, blah, blah."

But it is obvious that what we are seeing here is much more in the nature of a beta uprising.

Know Your Meme describes a beta uprising as: 

...a rebellion or rebel movement instigated by beta males, especially those with anti-women opinions, against alpha males and females. The term, which originated as a serious call among men's rights activists, gained popularity as an ironic rallying cry on 4chan's /r9k/ (ROBOT9001) board, often accompanied by Angry Pepe and Wojak images.

This pretty accurately describes what is going on in Gaza, with pent-up masculine rage of young Palestinian men, who can't get laid on a regular basis due to their reduced socio-political status, being channelled into acts of desperate violence.

The results of this, however, are not to be underestimated. Empires have risen and fallen from the upsurges of this raw primordial energy.

1 comment:

  1. The birth rate for the Pali Areas is still pretty high with 3.5 children per woman as in 2021 according to the CIA factbook. So someone there is getting laid.
    On the other hand is Israel just as much a beta nation of a small country with a sorry history. They are both babydick cutting swarty semites and i'm just fine with them killing each other.


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