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Thursday, October 26, 2023


Voldemort is raelly upset

Voldemort, the most evil demonic entity ever created by an unemployed British woman on welfare, has "seen the light" and is now supporting the state of Israel in its "holy war" to precision bomb the fuck out of every inch of Gaza. 

The heart-wrenching, 'Road to Damascus' moment came for the intensely evil Harry Potter character, also known as "The Dark Lord," after he watched "snuff" videos of people being killed on a website apparently set up by the Israeli government. 

The website, which lacks an age or trigger warning, appears to have been launched in a desperate attempt to turn round the propaganda war that the Israeli government has been losing badly since they started blowing up Christian hospitals and random women and children in their "high precision" campaign to strike Hamas militants. 

As an image released by the Israeli government shows, Voldemort was one of the first to view the site on his smartphone.

The scenes of butchery uploaded onto the internet for all to see moved his otherwise blackened heart and soulless emotions to emit a flood of tears and a series of high-pitched gasps and groans.

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is believed to have been deeply affected by one video of festival goers being interrupted at an early morning rave by paragliding Hamas fighters, one of whom happened to resemble the Dark Lord's arch nemesis Harry Potter winning a game of Quidditch.

Since then, several other deeply evil and sinister characters have been likewise moved by the site, changing their views from naïve support for an unworkable two-nation solution to out-and-out cheerleading for every bomb that Israel is dropping.

1 comment:

  1. Zarathushtra's EagleOctober 28, 2023 at 6:50 AM

    The more you embrace the reality that there aren't any moral facts, the more indifferent you become to Abrahamics murdering each other for sport.


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