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Sunday, May 26, 2024


Cosy triggering in progress

A middle-aged (b. 1979) late Gen-X YouTuber with a soft, pudgy, sub-masculine appearance and an over-compensatory "man beard" to offset it.

A good speaker, if somewhat boring and milquetoast for most in the Dissident Right. His "ideological pose" is that of a "liberal/leftist" individualist regretfully forced into the "so-called far-right" by the "madness of the woke mob." 

He has a range of plausible but, on examination, often disingenuous and intellectually dishonest arguments. For example, his main critique of the Left can be characterised, without too much unfairness, as saying that the Left's "love of diversity" is undercut by its "love of equality" because equality and diversity are opposites, etc. 
Whatever one thinks of "diversity" or "equality" this is essentially a bullshit argument, as the Left clearly mean cultural and racial diversity and political and economic equality.

In fact, as mentioned here, the emphasis on equality in the modern West is really just a social harmonisation device created by Western societies' inevitable ingestion of demographic diversity due to the low-fertility caused by exactly the same kind of liberal individualism that Benjamin elsewhere embraces. 

His family name is apparently of Sephardic Jewish origin, which could also explain why he initially operated under the mask of "Sargon of Akkad" (a Semitic king of ancient Mesopotamia). This was presumably to avoid the anti-Semitism that is rife on the internet. At one time, he claimed to be part "Caribbean," implying Black, although this seems to have been just more of his bullshit. 

He first rose to prominence during Gamergate (usually a sign that someone is a geek/nerd and has problems relating to girls), participated in various livestreams during the "blood sports" era, most notoriously with Richard Spencer, became part of the Alt-Lite, and went on to play a relatively important part in fringe British politics, being brought into UKIP when it was still vaguely relevant.

He continues to do livestreams and videos, "cosy-triggering" his target audience of slightly discombobulated, nerdy, young midwits, suffused with incel ressentiment. 

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