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Monday, June 24, 2024


Matt gives you this look on social media, how do you open?

Matt Goodwin is a pretty successful alternative "right wing" politics dude, who has got that whole catty, sub-masculine Dissident-Right-to-Mainstream-Right grift going on well. He pops up on quite a few sub-mainstream podcasts and even TV programs (some of them on GB News), and always has a few pieces of readymade spiel (and a book to sell, of course).

His "success," like that of most "successful" (soft) dissident righters, is entirely financial, as he is having zero effect on the political ecosystem. Britain is about to by-pass Nigel Farage's "Reform UK" on the way to giving Labour a massive pro-woke majority.

Nevertheless, it seems there is an entirely good living to be made by being an ineffectual Diss-Righter, as long as you don't use the N-word or "go full Nazi," either in person or through association, and stay on social media 24-7 having sub-gay parasocial relationships with your paypig audience. But analysing the World correctly or changing it in a positive direction is another thing altogether. 

The following thankfully concise YouTube video gives a relatively representative sample of his "schtick":

So, what is Goodwin's main analysis here? It is that people are not voting Tory this year because they feel "disconnected" from "the elites," but that Labour voters are voting because they don't really mind the elites.

OK, maybe... 

Then there is the nub of Goodwin's system -- the reason 2019 Tory voters are not voting Tory this year is because "the elites" believe in "wokeism" as an alternative form of "social signalling," and this makes them hate and despise average White people (wypipo).

This is a common idea, almost a shibboleth, in the Dissident Right, and has a long track record, running all the way back to the original Alt-Right, which I happened to help found, back in the day. In fact, I can distinctly remember Mike Enoch and his gang of proto-Nazis pushing this bilge at The Right Stuff just when it was starting out. I wouldn't be surprised if it ultimately traces all the way back to some KGB laboratory.

The idea, such as it is, is that rich people in the West got bored of showing how fancy they were by knowing about expensive wines, shitty modern art, or by wearing the right combination of polo and yachting gear, and instead switched to showing who is more into transgender rights and Black empowerment to show how "truly upper class" they were. 

I never bought into this idea, as it is exactly how it sounds, a big, steaming pile of psycho-intellectual horse manure. 

Goodwin reinforces this analytical turd with an adjacent piece of garbage, namely, that the elites are free to indulge is this sort of esoteric values wankery because the consequences are, ahem, not felt by them.

Needless to say, this is pure catnip for the class of emotionally incontinent, midwit, loser boomers and naïve incel zoomers, wallowing in their non-comprehending "poor wittle wypipo" victimhood. 

The rich and the elites, let me tell you, are less effected by almost anything than "the Poors." Inflation, for example, is pretty harsh on "the Poors" but has almost no effect on the lifestyles of the rich.

Are we to conclude therefore that the rich believe in hyperinflationary policies? Of course not.

The fact is that rich people and the elites live in the same society as the rest of you, and if that society is becoming a dysfunctional Third World shithole, it will impact on them, although not quite as sharply as on 2019 Red Wall Tory voters.

For a deeper analysis of why elite opinion seems to be aligned with wokery, ignore Matt Goodwin's emotionally pandering and plausible bullshit and read these articles that I prepared earlier:



Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Neokrat and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia).


  1. “The idea, such as it is, is that rich people in the West got bored of showing how fancy they were by knowing about expensive wines, shitty modern art, or by wearing the right combination of polo and yachting gear, and instead switched to showing who is more into transgender rights and Black empowerment to show how "truly upper class" they were.”

    A bit of a caricature but this is more or less true. Although I think they are primarily motivated by class and group interest and ‘woke’ is just the moral window dressing.

    Upper middle class women in particular are super woke and the right has really missed a trick by not pandering to this demographic. Chucking money and benefits at professional women would be a vote winner and also encourage them to have more kids. Women would also complain less and men would be happier. I know we would have another if the costs of childcare didn’t already equate to a second mortgage.

    Women (and effeminate men) are the primary agents of woke in most large organisations and institutions. I deal with these people every. Fucking. Day. Everyone else rolls their eyes but keeps quiet because they obviously don’t care enough to lose their jobs.

    Also, upper middle class people on the whole don’t really care about paying a bit more tax. For many, the increased financial opportunity provided by globalism more than compensates for outgoings like taxes. And we all know that the very rich don’t pay tax anyway.

    And yes the lower middle class are the big losers in all of this because they don’t see much of the benefits and their country gets more shit every year as they get pushed out by nepotistic foreigners. So Goodwin’s political rhetoric, while simplistic, is correctly identifying the political opposition and its motivations which are less important than the fact that the upper middle class types living in affluent parts of London and satellite towns don’t give a shit what is happening in the Shires nor would you expect them to.

  2. I mostly agree with the analysis in the two articles you linked, insofar as the ‘elite’ has committed itself to multiculturalism and therefore also to anti-racism.

    The problem is that the elite made several assumptions and predictions about how multiculturalism would play out that have proven to be utterly false. As you pointed out, they’re committed to multiculturalism and replacement immigration so the only option they have in response is to double down.

    Where we disagree is that you seem to think the West is committed to mass immigration due to economic necessity whereas I would acknowledge the challenges of demographic decline while also pointing out that mass immigration has become largely a self fulfilling prophecy. The more mass immigration we have, the more we need. Something has to give.

    I mean, you live in Japan so you tell me. I know they have their problems but are they really worse off for having not embraced mass immigration? If they’re smart they’ll see the mistakes we made and adopt a more Arabian style method of immigration less the total indifference to the human rights of the immigrants.

  3. One final point - if “anti-racism” is a feature of the system and not a bug, why is it disproportionately concerned with what white people supposedly inflicted on the descendants of the African slave trade, considering they are a minority within the minorities of the non white population? We are encouraged to ignore the fact that non white groups have historically been pretty awful to each other and generally still don’t like each other. Which would appear to confirm that this is predominantly the psychodrama of mostly white over privileged people.


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