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Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Things that glow in the night...

How very, very odd! It looks like more of the pawns, mugs, and underlings involved in the naughty goings-on at Charlottesville back in 2017 are suffering the legal consequences of their actions, while the actual leader and instigator of the whole "tiki torch" Nazi travesty, former Alt-Right leader, Richard Spencer, remains untouched. 

As reported by Associated Press:

"Years after a white nationalist rally erupted in violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, a trial began Tuesday for one of about a dozen people charged with using flaming torches to intimidate counterprotesters.

The trial of Jacob Joseph Dix, 29, of Clarksville, Ohio, got underway with jury selection. The case will provide the first test of a 2002 Virginia law that makes it a felony to burn something to intimidate and cause fear of injury or death. Lawmakers passed the law after the state Supreme Court ruled that a cross-burning statute used to prosecute Ku Klux Klan members was unconstitutional.

On the night of Aug. 11, 2017, several hundred white nationalists marched through the campus of the University of Virginia, many carrying torches and some chanting, 'Jews will not replace us!' Two days of demonstrations were organized in part to protest the planned removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. It was believed to be the largest gathering of white nationalists in a decade.

Indictments unsealed last year showed 11 people had been charged with intimidation by fire, but prosecutors have not said whether additional defendants were also charged. So far, five people have pleaded guilty to the charge. Dix is the first to go on trial."

So, why isn't Spencer in the dock? He was definitely there and definitely involved. The whole Nazi torch-burning thing was clearly his idea. In fact, according to NBC, he even did a follow-up torch rally a couple of months later:

"White nationalist Richard Spencer and about 40 to 50 people held another "tiki-torch rally" that lasted up to 10 minutes, according to the Charlottesville Police Department. The group gathered in the recently renamed Emancipation Park around the tarp-covered statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, which the city has decided to move."

So what gives? Is it because of some
secret sweetheart deal he did with the Feds to spare him the rigors of prison life? If so, good for him, I guess, but the question has to keep being asked, what exactly did he give them in return? 

Spencer with his...erm... "handlers"

1 comment:

  1. The old school neo-Nazis like Christian Picciolini and TJ Leyden become "hate to hope" grifters. But, yeah, Spencer is a curious item, since he doesn't preach "anti-racism" at Ted Talks.

    Also, damn, the old school skinhead types really earned their prison sentences! None of this nerdy tiki torch bullshit, haha.


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